Daily items around your home might have some other purposes that could surprise you. In the recent past, some common household items have been found to have numerous health benefits alongside their original purpose. These benefits may come in handy since one can control as well as prevent certain ailments at the comfort of their home.

Below is a look into some of the reported health benefits of three ordinary household items.

Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda)

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is commonly used for baking purposes due to its ability to cause the dough to rise by producing carbon dioxide. In this case, baking soda has been found to have a variety of health benefits, not to mention general cleaning functions in households.

It is believed that baking soda has over 50 health benefits. Some of them are as follows:

  • It’s commonly regarded that using a bit of baking soda to brush your teeth once or twice a week could keep them sparkling white. It also has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that could help fight harmful bacteria in teeth.
  • Many studies have found that toothpaste containing sodium bicarbonate would be better for removing plaque than toothpaste without baking soda. 
  • During workouts, your muscles actively produce lactic acid, which is to blame for the burning feeling you get during exercise. Taking baking soda before exercise may counteract the lactic acid whose accumulation lowers the pH in your cells. For this reason, baking soda could also be found as a common supplement among athletes. 

Coconut Oil

Disclaimers about various food products won’t end in this lifetime. While the debate whether you should or you shouldn’t be afraid of salt, sugar, and other common condiments, there seem to be ample studies on the use of coconut oil that many believe has health benefits. 

Thus, aside from its cooking purposes, coconut oil is believed to exhibit the following:

  • Fermented virgin coconut oil has been believed to avert certain skin disorders. Coconut oil contains antimicrobial properties, which could make it effective at killing bacteria on the skin. This is the bacteria associated with skin conditions and diseases.
  • It’s supposedly efficient in healing wounds due to its anti-inflammatory quality, as they say it eases inflammation by increasing antioxidant levels. When this happens, your cells are defended from damage brought about by harmful molecules in the body known as free radicals. 
  • Studies also show that it could serve as an analgesic or pain killer. It also has antipyretic properties, which could help lessen fever.
  • It’s also believed to somehow prevent heart disease because it contains fatty acids, which play a big role in encouraging your body to burn fat and provide quick energy to your body and brain. Fatty acids are also helpful in boosting levels of HDL in your blood, which could help reduce heart disease risk by a great deal.


Vinegar can’t be left out of this list. Traditionally, vinegar is widely associated with food preparation and preservation. But one specific type is hailed by alternative medicine subscribers: apple cider vinegar.

Among the host of health benefits often associated with apple cider vinegar are the following:

  • People suffering from diabetes or high cholesterol could consider incorporating vinegar in their day-to-day diet. Drinking water containing one or two tablespoons of vinegar is recommendable as it could play a significant role in digestion and may also control your blood sugar. 
  • Vinegar is also a good alternative rinse for hair and will leave your hair shiny. For those who are struggling with dandruff, it will also come in handy. In general, an apple cider vinegar-based rinse is recommended by hairstylists to help restore life to your hair in a matter of minutes. It could be a great replacement for the somewhat costly clarifying shampoo.

Please be cautious about its ingestion and application as apple cider vinegar is highly acidic. Use just a considerable amount of it.


Now that you have all these insights, consider putting that extra coconut oil, vinegar, or baking soda lying somewhere in your house to good use. While there’s no substitute for traditional medicine and medical-based first aid remedies, you could consider giving these household items a second thought when needed. Cheers to better health!