When puberty strikes in women and they begin receiving menses, they are always uncomfortable with many questions. They worry a lot about what is going on with them and if it’s normal and whether the experience poses a health hazard to them or if they are in their right state of health despite the biological processes they are in. Their fears at times might be correct. For various reasons one might start receiving heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle. As a result, you might have difficulty doing your normal activities or even hardship during sleep or exercise.

Thanks to Dr. Christopher K Quinsey, MD, and his team of specialists, those experiencing Lake Mary heavy bleeding complications receive comprehensive gynecological health care that alleviates them and restores your everyday healthy life on track. To receive these services, schedule an appointment with Dr. Quinsey on the online tool or call the office today.

Frequently asked questions on heavy bleeding.

What is heavy bleeding?

Women are a special kind of  being that undergoes unique biological experiences in their bodies. Every month your body undergoes a particular type of hormonal changes that the brain initiates in preparation for a potential pregnancy, what we refer to as the menstrual cycle. This developmental stage starts at puberty.

Heavy bleeding or menorrhagia is a medical condition that occurs when you have your menstruation cycle; however, it harms your life quality emotionally, socially, and physically. It posits more blood loss than the menstruation cycle of about 80ml blood loss per cycle within a range of two to seven days that need to be manageable by tampons or pad exchange at an interval of every two hours.

What considerations should I look for heavy bleeding?

Periods differ from one woman to the next; however, if you come across any of the following experiences, then there is a high probability that you are receiving high blood loss. These include:

1.     Requiring to use two protections such as pads and tampons simultaneously; if not, you will leak into your clothes.

2.     Needing to use many tampons or pads in two hours or less consecutively.

3.     Being mandatory for you to wake up in the night to change the pads to avoid leaking to the sheets.

4.     Encountering flooding noticeably through your clothes.

Other instances that could indicate abnormal bleeding include:

·       Bleeding goes beyond your normal menstrual cycle with large blood clots

·       Exhaustion, dizziness, and fatigue that accompanies bleeding

·       Bleeding during your gestation period

·       Postmenopause bleeding

Do not hesitate to seek Dr. Quinsey’s medical intervention if you suspect any of the above signs in you.

Some of the causes of excessive bleeding include:

§  Miscarriage – the loss of a pregnancy unexpectedly. Heavy bleeding is a sign of a miscarriage.

§  Uterine fibroids – are growths within the uterus, the noncancerous cells that occur during the childbearing stage.

§  Intrauterine devices (IUD) – are one of the birth control methods, a doctor might insert the T-shaped Copper device in the uterus. Nevertheless, if it shifts position, it’s likely to trigger heavy bleeding.

§  Cervical cancer – if the tumor is left without treatment, it can result in heavy bleeding.

At his office in Lake Mary, Dr. Quinsey gives comprehensive and satisfactory surgical and hormonal treatment like progesterone tablets to help the bleeding subside, depending on your condition’s assessment. For ectopic pregnancy or uterine fibroids, Dr. Quinsey will recommend a minimally invasive surgical procedure to decrease the heavy bleeding. To learn more about your condition, call or book an appointment with Dr. Quinsey today.