It’s estimated that between 30 and 40 percent of women who have experienced a first-time UTI will have a recurrence within six months. Two causes of recurring UTIs are antibiotic resistance and the development and presence of bio film, a tool that allows bacteria to hide. Whether you get a recurring UTI after sex or because of genetics or a compromised immune system,there is hope. Here are five steps you can take for recurrent UTI prevention.

1. Take the UTI Quiz

Take Uqora’s UTI Quiz and find out what type of UTI prevention’s right for you in four questions or less. It’s a great way to get a handle on your UTI recurrence.

2. Urinate Soon After Sex

If you get a recurring UTI after sex, it’s probably due to transfer bacteria from your partner’s skin that’s traveled along your urethra to the urinary tract. This is the place where infections often take hold. Urinating after sex is a great way to naturally flush out bacteria from your body.

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is the key to urinating regularly. Urination is the mechanism by which your body naturally defends itself against UTIs, so drink up! Along with staying hydrated, you may also choose to take a UTI prevention pill that’s designed to break up bio film.

4. Wash In Between Anal and Vaginal Sex

If you engage in anal and vaginal sex with your partner, you should both plan to wash as you switch between these activities. By doing so, you’ll help remove bacteria from your bodies, reducing the risk of a recurring UTI.

5. Ditch Feminine Products

Many douches, sprays and lubricants contain ingredients that affect your body’s natural bacterial balance. Remove these products from your daily repertoire and let your body attain its balance.

In conclusion, prioritizing urinary health through proactive measures is paramount in preventing and treating urinary tract infections (UTIs). Incorporating simple yet effective habits into one’s daily routine, such as staying hydrated, practicing good hygiene, and urinating regularly, can significantly reduce the risk of a recurring UTI. Additionally, fostering a balanced and nutritious diet, along with avoiding irritants like harsh soaps and bubble baths, contributes to a healthier urinary tract.

When it comes to treatment, early detection is key. Prompt medical attention allows for timely administration of antibiotics, which can effectively combat the infection. However, adopting preventative strategies remains the cornerstone of managing UTIs, and individuals should be proactive in implementing lifestyle changes to minimize the likelihood of recurrence.

Educating oneself and others about the importance of urinary health, recognizing the symptoms of UTIs, and seeking medical advice when needed are vital steps toward a UTI-free lifestyle. By embracing a holistic approach that combines preventive measures with timely interventions, individuals can empower themselves to maintain a healthy urinary tract and enjoy an improved quality of life. Remember, a proactive mindset and a commitment to adopting healthy habits are powerful tools in the ongoing battle against UTIs.