Parents need to set a good example because telling their kids what not to do all the time seems nagging. They need to see their parents choosing healthy habits. Enabling kids growth to live healthy starts from childhood. It will help them understand what is healthy and what is not. It helps them avoid acquiring lifetime bad habits. 

Bastrop well child exams start from childbirth. It is an age-specific physical, mental, and developmental assessment done regularly to assess the overall health of a child. If you belong to Bastrop, Texas then visit MDVIP-affiliated physician, Dr. Chavez. He monitors your child’s growth and development to ensure that all the changes are normal and as expected.

Choose a journey to develop healthy habits in your kids

The good child exams in Bastrop or any other city you reside in, it is the duty as a parent to pass on healthy habits. How to develop healthy habits? Confused! Here are some ways to smoothly and gently nurture your child towards a healthy lifestyle.

  • Today, kids spend more time watching screens. After finishing their homework can be great for screen watching or playing tech games but for some time. Shoo them out of the house, so they can play in the fresh air as well as get some exercise. 
  • In this COVID-19 pandemic, everyone has learned about proper and frequent hand washing not just before meals or using the bathroom but even when touching pets, after sneezing/coughing, or blowing your nose. However, kids need gentle nudges and reminders of hand washing. It helps to prevent germs from spreading!
  • Unhealthy eating causes plenty of body inflammation making the immune system all stressed out. Therefore, ensure that your kid enjoys lots of greens and fruits. Expose them less to added sugar. It doesn’t mean you need to ban junk food. Kids can enjoy chips but with homemade stir-fry and Brussel sprouts. It is because when you disallow kids to eat junk, they end up craving, which sets an eating issue trigger in later life. Occasional junk food at snack time or meals is like inoculating them. The junk food’s magic is lost and your child will learn to handle it just like other food. 
  • Kids with deprived sleep are vulnerable to viruses and germs. Insist on sleep schedules. Explain to the kids its importance and even model good timely sleeping habits. It sets an example that sleep is not just crucial for kids but even adults. 

Nutrition, sleep, and physical activity are crucial from childhood to adulthood for proper kids growth. The healthy habits nurtured from a young age keep you aware of what is termed as healthy. Teach your kids the significance of regular well-child exams in Bastrop, TX.