Nothing sucks quite so much as feeling unwell. Whether temporarily sick or from a more significant factor, the sensation of operating on half empty is both unpleasant and upsetting. Fortunately, there are countless methods of improving your health, from taking vitamin supplements to exercising more, and many of these methods are well documented. However, there are some stranger methods that are not so widely known, and it is these methods that this article is concerned with. Read on for a short examination of some of the weird ways to boost your health.

Coffee Naps

If you find yourself feeling drained and need a boost of energy, then this method could be a winner for you. Maybe you didn’t sleep enough, or you have the beginning of a cold brewing; regardless of the reason, you need to boost your health right now. If that is the case, then you should try having a coffee nap.

This strange method involves quickly drinking a cup of coffee and then immediately lying down for a fifteen-minute nap. According to a study around this method, the results of this coffee nap technique are fascinating. Participants of the experiment reported that they felt more rested than when simply drinking a cup of coffee or taking a nap, and further, they performed better in a simulation of driving a car, making fewer mistakes. This means that coffee naps not only make you feel more rested but, at least in the short term, they also have a positive physiological effect on tiredness.

Play Video Games

Now when you think of staying healthy to boost your health, video games are almost certainly not going to be the first thing that pops to mind. However, there have been studies showing that video games have a variety of interesting health benefits, including improvements to vision, helping with memory, and even helping to reduce the effects of diseases like Parkinson’s.

On top of this, casual engagement with video games has been linked to stress reduction, so whether you play, Animal Crossing, or Skyrim, the chances are good that gaming will have a lasting positive impact on your health.

Take Study Notes By Hand

Whether you’re taking notes on a seminar or studying to ace that upcoming exam, there is a pretty good chance that you are working on a computer or laptop. They’re convenient, easy to use, and often easier on your hands than writing notes by hand, so of course, you’re going to use a computer; it just makes sense. However, these are not the only factors in play, and, strangely, there is research to suggest that taking notes by hand is actually beneficial to your mental capabilities.

While there are a number of reasons that taking notes on your laptop can be distracting and reduce the effectiveness of your learning, this study goes one step further and actually shows that handwritten notes are superior. This is to do with a student using laptop’s tendency to take verbatim notes. The process of digesting and reiterating information to write more concise notes is important to the beneficial effects of note-taking, and this process is largely wasted when notes are taken verbatim.

This is an article regarding health, however, and this is where the study gets truly interesting. Taking notes by hand actually helps you to develop your mental abilities, from coordination to attention and memory. Taking notes has been shown to improve your mind just as surely as it strengthens your hand.