If you are into serious workouts, you are probably interested in how to allow your muscles to recover. When we workout, it creates tiny tears in the muscles. Our body repairs those tears and builds them up and this is how our muscles get strong and bigger. Of course, bigger muscles means we burn more calories and get leaner.

Some people think the secret to recovering their muscles means to immediately work them again. While that repetitive motion may help reduce soreness, it does not help your muscles to recover. But, there are healthy and scientifically proven ways to help recovery in a very short period of time. Let’s explore some of them now.


We need about 8 hours of sleep per night to recover our bodies. If we eat a high protein snack just before we go to bed, we tell our brains that we are not going into starvation mode. This acts as a quick start fuel to begin muscle repair. At this point, our bodies will produce growth hormone to build muscle.

Stay hydrated

If you do not consume enough water throughout your workout, it will slow your progress. At the same time, your digestive system is at work. A dehydrated body cannot digest the food needed to build the muscles up.

Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema

Essential oils

Essential oils can be placed in a diffuser and dispersed with a mist into the air.

There are several essential oils that will aid you on your journey to recovered muscles. You will want the highest quality of essential oils. Check out the Made With Oils website for more information. Here are just a few.

  • Peppermint Essential Oil
    • Peppermint is a natural anti-inflammatory. It reduces swelling, kills pain, and makes you feel good. Swelling is reduced, pain is reduced, you sleep better and wake up with
  • Ylang Ylang Essential oil
    • Ylang Ylang works a bit differently than Peppermint. Ylang Ylang calms the nerves and tension in the body. As your body relaxes, your brain kicks in to heal your muscles. It has also been recognized as an essential oil that aids in flexibility.
  • Ginger Essential oil
    • Ginger is also an anti-inflammatory but it had an added benefit. Ginger essential oil improves your circulation. As your blood flows better around any injured muscle, it will speed healing to that area. It has a potent pain reliever for sore muscles.

Rub down

When you have worked out hard at the gym, it is natural for your muscles to tense and knot up a bit. Stretching before and after your workout helps. However, if you still feel discomfort, get a massage or trade rub downs with your partner. An alternative is to use foam rollers to roll the knots out of your muscles. They are cheap and they work.

Photo credit: Scott Webb

Where did they go?

It is normal for your muscles to appear larger a few hours after your workout. Your muscles swell a bit and your body pumps the area with blood to help repair them. After a while, the swelling goes down. Some people misunderstand and believe they simply cannot hold onto muscle mass.

Be patient. Long term change takes time. Your muscles will bulk up with time and effort. Be smart with your routine. Do not do more than you should. An exhausted muscle is more likely to get injured. Your body will respond to your efforts. Remember, you only get one body. Take good care of it. Rest, eat well, and exercise. And, when your body is trying to get your attention, listen up. You will be glad you did when you find yourself in the best shape of your life.