Pregnancy, like anything, gets easier the second time around. The second time around, many mothers-to-be know their bodies and have a host of tricks up their sleeves to make the pregnancy easier. Here, we break down four ways you and your partner can make pregnancy easier and more manageable, so your first pregnancy can be as comfortable as possible.
Embrace Maternity Clothes
Many women try to hold off and don’t start wearing maternity clothes until it is absolutely necessary. They often find them unflattering and would rather keep slipping into their figure-hugging garments for as long as possible.
Don’t do it. When you are fighting sickness and other sources of discomfort, you want your clothes to be comfortable. Embrace maternity clothes as soon as you need them for increased comfort and ease.
Listen to Your Body
It has never been so important to listen to what your body is telling you than when you are pregnant. Minor irregularities like dehydration or an iron deficiency become a significant source of discomfort during pregnancy.
Knowing your body and understanding what it feels like when you are not drinking enough water or getting enough iron or calcium will help you avoid some of the worst side effects of pregnancy including morning sickness, cramps, headaches, and varicose veins.
Take pregnancy supplements but also listen to what your body is telling you and adjust your lifestyle and diet accordingly for the best results. During pregnancy, mothers should be aware of some dangerous habits that could harm the fetus.
Wear a Support Belt
In the last few months of pregnancy, carrying around the extra weight can take its toll on your back, joints, and hips. Wearing a support belt can help alleviate some of the stress and ease the discomfort.
The belt sits under the bump and along your lower back. There is also a strap above the belt to keep it in place. The added support will help redistribute some of the weight and should make you more mobile.
Track Your Contractions
If you are listening to your body, you should be on top of most pregnancy related deficiencies. However, there are some things that your body can’t tell you.
For example, you will need a sensor to tell you how often and how long your contractions are, helping you track your pregnancy and better prepare and predict when the baby will arrive. A pregnancy tracker with award-winning technology will be able to tell you when you are having a contraction, how the contraction compares to others, and share that information with your support network and partner.
These trackers are most useful at night, for when you cannot perceive how often of how long you may have been experiencing contractions for. They provide you with a window into how your pregnancy is progressing and facilitate preparations for the big day.
Adopt these four simple strategies to make your pregnancy as easy and comfortable as possible. And above all, remember that your pregnancy is seasonal. The different stages of pregnancy are unique and nothing lasts forever. Whatever pregnancy throws at you, it is only temporary and you will soon have a new addition to the family.