Congratulations mama-to-be. It is that time of your life filled with anticipation and exhilaration. As you ready yourself to welcome your bundle of joy, taking care of your health and fitness for yourself and your baby is important. When you stay healthy during pregnancy, that brings positive outcomes for the mother and the unborn child. It also reduces birthing complications.

Through healthy lifestyle practices, your aim should be to develop a nurturing environment for the baby. So, let’s discover what lifestyle changes can make you healthy and safe during pregnancy.

1. Connect with an obstetrician to ensure the baby grows safely

You should stay in contact with an obstetrician from when your pregnancy is confirmed to after the baby’s birth. Consult with an experienced healthcare provider who guides you through your prenatal checkups. Prenatal appointments typically occur once a month during the first six months of the pregnancy and twice a month or after every week in the last trimester.

Having a schedule for prenatal checkups is a way to ensure that the baby and the mother are safe. During these checkups, your doctor can uncover problems in the early stages and take mitigating measures. That way, you can have a highly personal pregnancy and childbirth experience with the help of professionals like Obstetric Excellence.

However, even if you visit a well-known doctor in your town, you still need to be vigilant during these visits. Makes sure the doctor is not negligent in their duty and monitors your baby’s development and proper growth through various screenings. In unfortunate cases, a doctor’s negligence can result in birth injuries. When this happens, you must seek help from a qualified birth injury lawyer. They can help you pursue justice for the wrong inflicted on you and demand compensation for losing your baby’s health.

The tiring process of fighting a lawsuit is on top of the excruciating pain you feel seeing your newborn with a birth injury. So, it is better to keep your eyes open during these visits, ask questions from your doctor, and express your concerns if you have any.

2. Nourish Your Body and Baby through a healthy diet

Eating a balanced diet is one of the crucial lifestyle changes you can make to stay healthy during pregnancy. A baby gets all the nutrients from their mother. Maintaining a less-than-perfect dirt pattern means your baby cannot get all the essential nutrients for their development resulting in underdevelopment and a frail body at birth.

A healthy diet nourishes your body and fulfills the nutritional needs of your unborn child. During pregnancy, you must consume about 300 more calories daily to meet your additional dietary requirements and support your baby’s developmental needs.

At the same time, make your food platter colorful with portions from all food groups, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and so on. Pregnant women should also include essential vitamins and minerals in their daily diet.

Folic acid is a crucial dietary element that must be part of your daily diet during pregnancy. A deficiency of folic acid results in developing neural tube defects in babies.

The proper diet of the mother also ensures that the baby is strong enough to withstand the pressures of the delivery process. Underweight and immature babies have a greater risk of birth injuries, which can have lifelong implications for the baby and the parents.

3. Take care of your body and mind through sleep and relaxation

Pregnancy is emotionally and physically exhausting for the mother. A woman undergoes many physical, emotional, and hormonal changes during pregnancy. On top of that, lack of enough sleep results in excessive body pain, irritability, mood swings, and much more.

The pregnancy-related physical and psychological changes enhance discomfort and increase the number of trips to the bathroom. Hence, getting seven to eight hours of sleep nonstop often becomes challenging. In fact, about 50% of women suffer from insomnia during pregnancy.

Nevertheless, it is essential to make a comfortable sleep routine. Also, avoid beverages like tea and coffee, which can interfere with your sleep and affect your body’s curative rejuvenation process.

Apart from sleep, you can relax your body and mind by indulging in pampering sessions. Treat yourself with activities like prenatal massage, a warm bath (not spa or sauna), and a facial. They help you relax and unwind. Taking time for self-care makes you feel good, recharge your body and mind, and enables you to recuperate from the emotional pressures to stay healthy during pregnancy.

Additionally, prenatal massage is generally safe throughout all stages of pregnancy. Swedish massage is gentle and relaxing, and myofascial release can help with specific areas of tension. However, it’s always best to consult your healthcare provider and choose a qualified prenatal massage therapist who can adapt their techniques to your needs.

4. Pay attention to your mental health during pregnancy

According to studies, about 20% of women experience mood swings, anxiety, and mental discomfort during pregnancy. There can be many sources of stress; it can be related to the growth of your baby, concerns about the time of delivery, or other sources in life. But one thing is sure excessive stress can harm your baby. Stress management practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and prenatal yoga help reduce pregnancy-induced stress.

Furthermore, journaling reduces stress by providing a safe space to release pent-up emotions, ultimately benefiting her mental well-being and developing baby’s health. Keeping a pregnancy journal allows tracking physical and emotional changes, celebrating milestones, and establishing a stronger connection with the unborn baby. Sharing journal entries with a trusted support network, friends, family, or a therapist, can further provide emotional support.  

Caring for your psychological health during pregnancy also means acknowledging your emotions and feelings. A pregnant woman experiences a range of emotions, from excitement to joy to nervousness to fear. It is essential to validate your feelings and avoid being too hard on yourself for having mood swings. If things seem unbearable, seek help and talk to your partner and loved one. Be open and honest about your fears, apprehensions, and concerns.

If communicating with people around you doesn’t help, seek help from a professional to cure your persistent mood swings and incessant anxiety. They will help you with guidance, support, and professional treatment to fight pregnancy-related stressors.

5. Keep yourself active through exercise

Regular exercise helps you maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy. Exercise also helps with your mood swings and stress. It is well-documented that exercise improves mood and releases hormones that help fight stress. Keeping yourself active during pregnancy also lessens the risk of pregnancy-related complications.

In general, the best exercises for pregnant women include walking, swimming, prenatal yoga, and prenatal Pilates, as well as stationary cycling. They are low-impact and can help with cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscle tone. Strength training is also an option, using light to moderate weights and proper form.

Additionally, consider joining prenatal fitness classes that cater specifically to pregnant women. Kegel exercises for pelvic floor strengthening and incorporating breathing and relaxation techniques can be beneficial.

However, before starting an exercise routine, consult your healthcare provider. They will provide personalized advice, recommending the correct type of exercise based on your health.

When keeping yourself active during pregnancy, never push yourself too hard. Always engage in safe, mild-intensity exercises that keep you active without harming your baby.


Making healthy lifestyle changes during pregnancy brings good results. However, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider before changing your routine. Whether incorporating exercise, eating certain foods, or indulging in self-care, you must always take professional advice. This ensures what you do is safe for you and your baby.