Next to nutrition, adding exercise to your routine is one of the most recommended methods of keeping your body strong and healthy. While a naturally active lifestyle can work wonders, many hit the gym for a concentrated dose of cardio and strength training. However, when exercises are not done properly, injuries are imminent. Luckily, by recognizing common workout mistakes and avoiding them, you can feel confident you are benefiting your body without the risk of unnecessary injuries.

1.    Squats

Squats are one of the easiest and most effective ways to strengthen your large muscle groups. Glutes, quads, thighs, and other muscles can get toned from a simple, swift up and down motion. While you may not need to rush out to get total knee replacement surgery after just a few repetitions, the repeated strain on your knees can contribute to long-term damage. In order to avoid hurting your body, ensure that your knees never protrude past your toes. For knees that are already sensitive, some alternatives are leg lifts done while lying on your side, step-ups, and partial squats.

2.    Pushups

Pushups are a classic exercise that can strengthen your upper body, specifically shoulders, pectoral muscles, triceps, core, and lower back. However, when not done correctly you have the potential to put a strain on your muscles, most notably your shoulder joints. When doing pushups, remember that all muscles should be engaged, and keep your lower back is in line with the rest of the body to avoid sagging or arching. Since a significant amount of strength is required to do a proper pushup, those who are still building up or need a less demanding alternative can consider the following options instead of risking injury with a full version:

  • On a padded surface for pushups on knees
  • Angled pushups on an elevated surface
  • Pushups against a wall
  • Planks

3.    Sit-Ups

Core work is infamously challenging. When you hear core, sit-ups may likely be the first exercise that comes to mind. However, they are infamous for being done incorrectly and putting unnecessary strain on the neck and lower back. Ideally, a partial sit-up should be performed instead, in which you only go as high as you can while keeping your neck aligned without tugging. But, if your body disagrees with any version of standard sit-ups, these modified versions might be better for strengthening your core:

  • Leg lifts while seated
  • Bicycle crunches while standing
  • Bird-dog crunch

4.    Running

Running is known to be one of the most effective cardio exercises, not to mention a real calorie-torcher. Unfortunately, the repetitive motion and high impact are known to lead to ailments such as the following:

  • Stress fractures
  • Shinsplints
  • A strain on hamstrings, Achilles tendon, or knees
  • Plantar Fasciitis

Some modified versions that are still effective ways to get your heart pumping are circuit training, walking on an incline, training on an elliptical, cycling, and swimming.

5.    Weightlifting

Incorporating strength training to any workout regimen is ideal for building strong muscles and bones. This can lead to better mobility, flexibility, and lower the risk of injury. A popular method for building strength is weightlifting. However, choosing weights that are too heavy and not having the correct form are surefire ways to bring on various injuries. Instead of jumping right into an intense weightlifting routine, consider easing your body into it by starting off with lighter weights and refusing to compromise proper form for the sake of heavier weights unless your body is ready to move to the next level. Also ensure that your entire body is engaged, especially your core with each repetition.

Exercise is undoubtedly beneficial for your health and well-being. Even if you find something too challenging, rest assured that a modified version is likely available to provide you with similar benefits to the full versions. Remember that exercise is an ongoing personal journey of which you have full control.