Introducing working out to your routine is a great idea. It can be daunting, though. So if you’re unsure where to begin, or rather, how to start, we’re covering that all today. You can also check out for more workout tips for beginners.

1. Equipment you need for the best workout:

Don’t worry, and you don’t need anything significant. A large exercise mat is the only piece of equipment. A large exercise mat will increase your comfort level and protect the floor. A large exercise mat is also essential to help with your stability, along with helping to secure your own workout space (for ex-if you are in an exercise class and working out in a group setting). A big cardio mat will help you to stay comfortable during your entire workout. It’s excellent to have. Get yourself a water bottle and towel as well! Working out will make your heart beat faster, which is therefore going to make you sweat.

2. Remember to take it easy.

It’s okay to be a beginner. However, your body will reward you much more if you remember that you’re a beginner and go slow. Move at the pace your body will freely allow you to move.

3. Work out in a way that makes you happy.

If you enjoy working out, then you’re more prone to do it, right? To find a style, or a type, that you LOVE. This way, working out will eventually be something you look forward to doing.

4. Focus on form, not speed.

When you’re learning/trying new exercise poses and activities, focus on your form. That is how you ensure you don’t injure yourself and that you get the maximum result. Proper form helps to prevent strains and injuries.

5. Don’t skip the warm-up or cool down.

These are so good for your body and are essential in the whole workout process. Warming up and cooling down help to warm up your entire body, including your heart and brain. It gets your whole body ready (in the case of a warm-up), and with a cool down, it helps your entire body cool down. These types of stretches will benefit your body no matter what your fitness level.

6. Listen to your body.

Don’t overstretch. Don’t lift too heavy. Hear and listen to what your body is saying, and take note of how it’s feeling. It’s important to push yourself, but more important to listen to your body and respect its abilities.

7. Start simple.

What I’m about to say may be contrary to popular belief, but working out can be simple. Do some reps of the classic exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, tricep dips, and hold a plank. Working out doesn’t need to cost money. You don’t have to invest in a gym membership immediately. Financial barriers aren’t something you have to have. These simple, common exercises are complete body exercises and will help you to kickstart your workout journey.

Working out can be made much more comfortable with a large exercise cardio mat. Along with water, motivation and determination, your workout journey can begin right now with these workout tips for beginners!