Stem cell research is a multi-million dollar industry. Scientists now believe that they can aid in motivating collagen production when applied. Stem cells have also been observed to increase blood flow to the tissue around the application area. 

If you need to give your face a lift but are not quite ready for surgical intervention, then the stem cell facelift is the perfect fit for you.

What Is a Stem Cell Facelift?

This procedure is a non-surgical treatment for facial rejuvenation. It is relatively new, and its results are not as evident as with a surgical facelift. This procedure is fast and provides results with virtually no recovery time. Furthermore, scientists use your stem cells for the procedure, so you can be assured no adverse reactions will occur. 

These are just some benefits of stem cell facelifts in Beverly Hills, CA.

What Is a Stem Cell?

These type of cells are found in the human body. They are the raw materials from which specialized cells emerge. Under the right conditions, they multiply to create daughter cells that eventually develop into specialized cells, and the cycle continues. No other cells in your body have the ability to replicate and create new cells.

To get them for this procedure, a clinician extracts excess fat and red blood cells from any part of your body, preferably abdominal fat; then, they are extracted from this solution and introduced back into the body.

How Much Does a Procedure Cost?

The cost of the procedure can vary significantly. Patients who have had the treatment done before say it is worth every penny because the results last between five to 10 years. Interested patients can get the procedure done a second time to enjoy the benefits for another decade.

How Long Does a Procedure Take to Perform?

A stem cell facelift procedure takes about four hours. The results of a facelift can be seen just two weeks after the procedure. Three months after the procedure, patients can see the full effect of the procedure.

Does a Stem Cell Facelift Hurt?

Stem cell facelifts can be done in the doctor’s office under local anesthesia, reducing recovery time drastically. Patients can return to work after a day or two, and no one would notice any immediate difference until they infuse into the facial tissue making the skin smoother.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Stem Cell Facelift?

Women in their 20s, 30s, and 40s are good candidates for this procedure as long as they have no other underlying skin conditions or allergies. People considering getting dermal fillers should consider using the procedure as a non-surgical, longer-lasting alternative.

Does The Procedure Leave Scars?

Because stem cells are administered using a needle, most patients only get mild swelling or bruising, which lasts three to five days but eventually disappears, leaving behind healthy skin.

Stem Cell Q&A

How is the stem cell facelift any different from fat injections?

While fat injections may not always achieve the desired results, the procedure uses patent-pending techniques to administer just the right amount of cells to achieve a naturally healthy and youthful appearance.

What does the procedure look like after a while?

A patient will experience a fuller face with fewer wrinkles, and skin folds around the eyes and jawline. In addition, the skin texture also gradually improves, restoring the youthful glow.

How long will the stem cell facelift results last?

Stem cell facelift results will last the patient five to 10 years.

How long is the recovery period after a stem cell recovery period?

Patients can resume their daily activities the following day if they take an oral sedative to help with the swelling and bruising. Any spots can be covered up using light makeup in case the patient has to attend to matters in public.

Where does the procedure come from?

Stem cells are usually taken from a part of your body with ample fat supply. Some doctors use abdominal fats, while others take fat from the thighs.

Is the procedure painful?

The procedure is not as painful as other cosmetic procedures. Patients will only experience slight discomfort during the injection, easing up when the procedure is finished. In most cases, patients will get some form of numbing cream or local anesthesia to make the process seamless and pain-free.

Is it safe for patients?

Yes, the stem cell facelift has zero risk of an allergic or adverse reaction from the procedurel. Also, because patients do not need general anesthesia, the dangers associated with the powerful anesthetic are mitigated.