For some going to the gym to workout may be tough. Gaining confidence in the gym may be what pushes you that last step in your goal of starting a healthier lifestyle. To gain more confidence, there’s a few things that you can keep in mind: your workout attire, what gym you have chosen, knowledge of the equipment and exercises you’re going to perform, and a support system or personal trainer.

Workout Gear

Finding the right and most comfortable gym attire for yourself can be a struggle. There seems to be a certain way you “need” to look at the gym. That may not always fit into your comfort zone. There can be many ways to get around this, finding what you feel most comfortable in is the best place to start. Shopping for workout gear might not be the easiest, but there are many sites online that you could use which could make this process easier.

Choosing The Right Gym To Match Your Needs

There may be many gyms in your city or town, but choosing the correct one is key to your successful fitness journey. They may all have some machines, treadmills, squat racks, and free weights, but the major differences can be the atmosphere of the members and staff. Many of these gyms could be very intimidating, whether that being because of how large it is, or how many experienced lifters there may be, this could also be that the staff aren’t friendly. Ask about membership deals, find the least busiest time of the day. This would usually be in the mornings or mid day, the afternoons and evenings would generally be the busiest times.  They may even have a Personal Fitness Trainer do a walk around of the gym and show you how the machines work and give you a tour of the gym.

Joining A Group Fitness Class

If the gym you have chosen offers group fitness classes, you may want to attend for a few sessions.  Your gym may offer beginner, intermediate and expert classes, and different modes of exercise. If you feel comfortable taking a spin class, strength class, or maybe they will offer a yoga or stretching class. Having an array of different classes and times to choose from will leave you feeling prepared. This will give you a better idea of what equipment works best for you, some exercises to add into a program for yourself to gain confidence in the gym.

Having Knowledge And A Program Prepared

Prior to your first training session, have a plan, do some research on how to do the exercises. Make sure you’ve done a walk around of the gym beforehand, so you have an idea of where to start off. To get even more comfortable, start off with cardio for the first few times going. This can even be walking, or lightly riding the bike. If you’ve done yoga, or any type of exercise program, stick with what you know for the first few sessions until you feel comfortable in the atmosphere of the gym setting.

Support system

Find a colleague, family member, significant other, or a personal trainer to go with you. Everyone in any new situation feels more confident when they’re with someone who has experience in the new activity you’re participating in. Having someone with you can be handy for many reasons, to ask questions about equipment if needed, to show you new exercises and proper form so you decrease the risk of injury. Bringing someone you’re comfortable with is a great way to increase your confidence, and make it more enjoyable, and not so much of a chore.

Try to not compare yourself to others, because everyone has to start from somewhere! Everyone in the gym at one point was just like you, scared of the unknown.

Author Bio

Reesa Garez is from a small town in Alberta. Fitness has always been a major part in her life. Growing up she played every sport in school and she played soccer outside of school. Soccer is what really fueled her energy for Physical Activity, and she continued with playing in College. She played for Red Deer College in 2017, then after that she started to focus more on being in the gym and lifting weights.