It is now well-known that obesity rates are at an all-time high, and the number of people who are overweight or obese has tripled in the last thirty years. This trend is due to many factors, but one factor that may not be as well known is how stress can lead to overeating. Stress causes our brains to release cortisol which triggers hunger and cravings for junk food.

So, how can we break this cycle and educate people about the importance of a healthy lifestyle? One way is to use infographics. Infographics are a great way to visually communicate information in an easy-to-understand way. They are also more likely to be shared on social media than articles, so they can reach a wider audience.

Infographic Ideas To Help Spread a Healthy Lifestyle

1. Food Cravings

Infographics are a great way to visually communicate information. Make an infographic that shows what types of things cause food cravings and give tips on how to cope with them and encourage people to make healthy choices.  

2. Stress and Weight Gain

As mentioned earlier, stress causes our brains to release cortisol which triggers hunger and cravings for junk food. With this information, you can make a cool infographic that shows where the body stores stress and how it impacts the body, and don’t forget to give tips on how to cope with it.

3. Exercise and Sleep

Physical activity is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, but it’s often hard to fit into our busy schedules. To educate people about becoming healthy, make an infographic that showcases the benefits of exercise and offers tips on how to make time for it. Similarly, sleep is also essential for good health, but many of us don’t get enough shut-eye. Create an infographic that highlights the importance of sleep and offers tips on how to get a good night’s sleep.

4. The Dangers of Sugar

Sugar is often called the “silent killer” because it can have harmful effects on our health if consumed in large quantities. Make an infographic that shows how sugar affects the body, highlight the dangers of too much sugar, and offer tips on how to reduce intake.

5. Sign up for a Healthy Lifestyle Challenge

Challenges are a great way to stay motivated and committed to healthy lifestyle changes. Make an informative infographic to let people know the benefits of participating in a challenge, encourage them to sign up, provide an example challenge, and offer tips on how to succeed.

Tips To Make Effective Infographics

Here are some tips on how to make an effective infographic:

Visualize information

Infographics are designed to communicate information in an easy-to-understand way that is visually appealing. The more you clearly visualize your information, the more effective your infographic will be.

Use eye-catching images and colors

Coding for readability is important, but it’s also crucial to make sure your infographic is visually appealing. Use eye-catching images and colors to make it stand out.

Include key takeaways

People are busy and they don’t have time to read lengthy articles. Your infographic should include key takeaways so people can get the most important information in a quick and easy way.

Make it shareable

In order to be effective, your infographic needs to reach a wide audience. Include social media buttons at the bottom of your infographic so people can easily share it with their friends and family.

Be conservative when choosing fonts

No matter how creative you get with design elements, remember that content is king. Use simple fonts that are easy to read so people can easily understand the information.


Infographics are a great way to visually communicate information in an easy-to-understand way. They can be used as part of your digital marketing strategy or even help you save other people’s lives by just spreading awareness. The best infographics aren’t the ones that are making sales, the best infographics are the ones that can change and save the lives of many people.