Spinal tumors are usually characterized by intense and persistent back pain. If not treated early, some spinal tumors may spread to other parts of your body, putting your life in jeopardy. If you’re looking for effective treatment options for spinal tumors in Huntington, contact Kakoulides today.

What are spinal tumors?

A spinal tumor refers to an abnormal mass of tissue that develops in or around your spinal cord due to the abnormal multiplication of your cells. Spinal tumors can be secondary or primary.

  • Primary tumors

Primary tumors usually originate from your spinal column and may be malignant or benign. They rarely spread past your central nervous system to your other body organs. A primary tumor may develop on the bones surrounding your spinal cord, spinal discs, or the surrounding nerves.

  • Secondary tumors

Secondary tumors, also known as spinal metastases, usually develop in another body part and gradually spreads to your spinal cord.

What are the common symptoms of spinal tumors?

Malignant and benign tumors are notoriously known to cause intense back pain, which radiates to your arms, feet, hips, and legs. Spinal tumors can cause several symptoms, including:

  • Pain and a tingling sensation that radiates to your legs and arms
  • Difficulty walking, causing you to fall repeatedly
  • Gradual muscle weakness in your legs or arms
  • Reduced sensitivity to cold and heat
  • Stiffness in your neck or back
  • Spinal distortion due to an overgrown tumor
  • Loss of bladder or bowel function

Spinal tumors may also cause paralysis in the body parts connected to the affected spinal nerves.

How can spinal tumors be treated?

Dr. Kakoulides may perform a CT or MRI scan to determine your tumor’s location and whether it is benign or malignant. If you have a benign tumor, he may recommend close monitoring of your symptoms and the growth rate of the spinal tumor. Dr. Kakoulides may then discuss and recommend the most effective treatment option depending on the tumor’s location and its type. He may recommend surgery or radiation therapy for tumors that are not entirely treatable by surgery. He may also recommend immunotherapy drugs to instigate your immune system to attack the abnormal mass of tissues. Spinal tumors can be:

  • Extradural

Extradural tumors usually develop in the surrounding tissues of your spinal cord. Most spinal tumors are extradural and usually spread from another part of your body, such as a lung. Dr. Kakoulides may recommend treatments, such as chemotherapy, surgery, or radiation, depending on the type of extradural tumor.

  • Intramedullary

Intramedullary tumors are usually within your spinal cord. Ependymomas, hemangioblastomas, and astrocytomas are some of the different types of intramedullary tumors. Surgical intervention is the most effective treatment for these tumors.

  • Intradural-extramedullary

Intradural-extramedullary tumors are usually located on the outside of your spinal cord but within your dura. These tumors are mostly benign and may not spread to other parts of your body. Schwannomas and neurofibromas affect your nerve roots. On the other hand, meningiomas develop on your spinal cord covering. It is tedious to remove intradural-extramedullary tumors, but surgical intervention is the most effective treatment.

For more information about treatments for spinal tumors, call Dr. Kakoulides, MD, or schedule an online appointment.