Leg swelling is among the most common concerns and complaints for many patients. This condition may be due to simple side effects of medication, pregnancy, or a surface injury. However, it may also indicate a serious underlying health condition that requires immediate treatment. At Dr. White’s Vein Center and Morgantown SculpSure & Clear Ink, PLLC in Morgantown, West Virginia, Dr. Carol A. White, a vein specialist, and her team are experienced in treating leg swelling to relieve your discomfort and enhance your overall health. For an evaluation, call or schedule an appointment online today. 

What Is Leg Swelling?

This refers to a common health condition that causes swelling in the feet and legs.  This occurs when fluid builds up in a single or both legs for one of many reasons, ranging from mild to dangerous. Lymphedema is the most common reason, which affects your lymphatic system, causing the accumulation of lymph fluid in your legs.

What Causes Leg Swelling?

There are many potential causes or secondary lymphedema. Other than lymphedema, causes may include tight clothing, physical activity, heart failure, standing or sitting for a very long time, pregnancy, obesity, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, and deep vein thrombosis. Dr. White requests details of your medical history and does a general physical examination to identify the cause. 

When Should You See A Doctor About Leg Swelling?

Many conditions that cause leg swelling need treatment to prevent them from worsening over time. Before you consider seeking medical care, you can try some methods to relieve the pressure and pain temporarily. Some of these useful tips include:

  • Avoid sitting or standing for long periods
  • Restrict salt intake
  • Wear loose clothes or dresses that don’t restrict blood circulation
  • Work out regularly and lose excess weight to enhance blood circulation
  • Put a pillow under your legs when lying down
  • Over the counter pain medication to alleviate painful swelling
  • Wear elastic compression stockings

However, if an underlying disease causes your leg swelling, and these measures don’t offer relief, you should consult a physician for diagnosis and treatment.

What Should You Expect During Leg Swelling Treatment?

Leg swelling can be an early sign of a severe underlying medical condition such as deep vein thrombosis or chronic venous insufficiency.  It is crucial to consult a physician for testing and accurate diagnosis. At Dr. White’s Vein Center and Morgantown SculpSure & Clear Ink, PLLC, Dr. White and the team will conduct a series of tests to determine the exact root cause. After evaluation, they may recommend one or more treatments, including massage, diuretic medications, leg elevation, movement and exercise, and compression stockings. If your leg swelling results from an underlying condition, treating the underlying condition helps to relieve the pain and reduce your risk of additional complications.

In conclusion, leg swelling can be a symptom of a severe and life-threatening condition. You should talk to a medical professional about your condition and seek prompt medical care.