Especially if you are a person who loves to exercise, you will know that there is always a risk of contracting foot fungus. This possibility increases if you do any barefoot sport, such as swimming or yoga. But do not let the fear of contracting a fungus keep you from the sport you love. Here you can learn tips that will help you keep your feet healthy and avoid foot fungus.

Keep Your Feet Clean

Sweaty and dirty feet increase the risk of developing fungal infections, so wash them every day with soap and water or shower after exercising. Drying your feet is as necessary as washing them since humidity can become the ideal place for fungus to proliferate. Make sure you dry well between your toes after showering, and if you usually suffer from fungus, use a drying product such as talcum powder before putting on your shoes. Following these two essential steps, washing and drying your feet will keep your feet healthy to avoid foot fungus.

Choose Shoes Made of Breathable Material

There are occasions that require wearing formal footwear, but generally, this type of shoe does not allow the foot to sweat, so avoid using them regularly. Experts recommend everyone avoid using tight footwear, shoes made of synthetic material that does not allow your feet to breathe. Instead, choose shoes or sneakers that are breathable or made of natural materials, especially if you will be wearing those shoes to do a physical activity that will make you sweat. Regularly disinfect your shoes and throw away those that are old.

Wear Cotton Socks

Socks are just as important as shoes because if you wear a breathable shoe with non-breathable socks, you will still sweat and be prone to fungus. Other than cotton, the best thing you can do is wear socks made from natural fabrics that will keep your feet cool and dry. Do not forget to change your socks every day or whenever they get wet or damp. That will also help you to keep your feet always clean to avoid foot fungus.

Do Not Walk Barefoot in Common Areas

Walking barefoot is the same as putting your skin in contact with dirty or infected surfaces, so try not to do it, much less in crowded areas such as swimming pools, saunas, or public showers, as it increases the risk of infection. Wear sandals or flip-flops every time you go to one of these places. This way, you will also avoid irritating the soles of your feet with the hot floor. Another alternative, if you did not wear sandals, is to wash your feet very well after walking barefoot through a public area. Although, remember, it is best not to do it.

However, it is worth reminding you that you must be careful about using flip-flops too much. Experts say that lately, they notice many foot injuries from this type of footwear, which, according to experts, is not recommended since using flip-flops increases the risk of plantar fasciitis. The problem with flip flops is that when they do not hold your foot in the right way, it makes you put your toes in a claw to increase stability. This position can cause dislocations, fractures, sprains, ankle sprains, tendinitis, or inflammation of the sole of the foot that causes pain and difficulty walking.

Do Not Share Towels or Shoes

Shoes, socks, towels, and similar items are personal items. When it comes to an athlete’s foot, the fungus is easily spread from one person to another, so by sharing towels, shoes, socks, nail clippers, or scissors, the fungus can also be transmitted. The most prudent thing you can do is to avoid sharing your items, and if you happen to share them, disinfect them, and clean them very well, and thus it will be safer to use them.

Keep Your Bathroom Clean

All surfaces must be spotless and disinfected, especially the shower or bathtub where you wash or shower. If the water accumulates on the floor of the shower and does not drain, it is likely that fungus will begin to form, and it may threaten the health of your feet. If you leave your flip-flops in the shower and they remain wet, they can also fill with a fungus that will later come into contact with your feet. Do your best to dry your shower floor after you shower, and also dry your flip-flops. Change your towels frequently and wash them in hot water to avoid foot fungus.

Take Extreme Precautions, Especially If You Belong to a Risk Group

Use antifungal or drying powders or products to prevent athlete’s foot if you frequently go to public showers and changing rooms. For someone who must take extreme care of their feet, like diabetics, the fungus is not the only concern. You should also wear the right footwear, avoid going barefoot or avoid wearing open shoes such as flip flops, as they leave your foot exposed to fungus, wounds, or cuts.

Use the Right Products for Your Feet

Foot care products are your best ally. Kerasal Foot Care is a line of products created to care for feet and keep them healthy, so they are a good option if you need to exfoliate your feet, moisturize dry skin, or fix cracked heels, among others. The ingredients of their products usually include components such as lavender, chamomile, essential oils, botanical extracts, and tree tea oil, among others.


The feet are a very important part of your body since when doing physical effort or exercise, they receive a large part of the impact. A small discomfort in your foot could become a big problem if you do not treat it on time, so it is best to be careful with the condition of your feet.

Take precautions such as not walking barefoot, wearing shoes made of breathable material and cotton socks, and trying to clean your feet carefully and dry them very well. You should also keep your bathroom clean and free of moisture since that way you will keep fungus away. Using the right foot care products will also keep your skin soft and avoid foot fungus.