Tripping on psilocybin, i.e. magic mushrooms, can be a therapeutic experience with long-lasting benefits.

During the trip, people may feel happy and tranquil. They may feel a deep sense of peace with themselves and the world more generally. And they may come to have profound realizations about what they want or who they are. These realizations can be existential or spiritual in nature, and they can last a lifetime.

Long after tripping, some people report feeling calmer. They also report feeling:

  • More creative and compassionate
  • Less depressed, anxious, and lonely
  • More attuned to who they are and what they value
  • More grateful for what they have
  • More self-aware and aware of their surroundings
  • More inspired by nature, art, and music
  • Less stuck inside their heads

When you take psilocybin, research shows, serotonin levels in your brain increase, and more network connections are made. Parts of the brain that tend to be disconnected from each other form new connections. fMRI brain scans indicate that the brain on psilocybin resembles the brain when dreaming. (Examining the brain on magic mushrooms can help neuroscientists better understand how the brain functions when awake and asleep.)

As a result of the new connections the brain makes, people may experience different states of consciousness, increased levels of happiness, and feeling more connected to the world. That may sound extreme, but taking mushrooms can be one of the most extreme experiences of your life, and one of the most profound, too. It’s no coincidence that mushrooms have played a central role in religious rituals and rights of passages for literally thousands of years.

The Right Environment for Tripping

Not all trips are made equal. There are good trips, bad trips, and trips that oscillate between good and bad. If you decide to take mushrooms by taking mushroom chocolate bars or tea, it’s crucial that you set up the environment most conducive to having a good time. Medical professionals as well as therapists recommend tripping in a safe setting under the supervision of someone sober.

What makes a good environment for tripping? Two words: set and setting.


Set refers to your mindset and emotional state. It’s crucial to be in the right set before tripping. If you’re in a good mood, you’re more likely to have a good trip than if you’re in a bad mood.

Although mushrooms can ease anxiety and reduce symptoms of depression, if you’re anxious or depressed before taking mushrooms, there’s a chance of becoming even more so. By contrast, if you’re feeling relaxed and happy before tripping, you have a good chance of experiencing a positive trip.

Understanding your set requires introspection. You may be excited by the prospect of taking shrooms but before doing so take a moment to ask yourself how you’re feeling.


Setting refers to your physical environment. If you’re in an environment where you feel calm and safe, you’re more likely to have a good trip. You’re also more likely to have a good trip when you trip with a trusted friend, guide, therapist, or another sort of sober “trip sitter.”