A while back, my daughter almost fell into depression, and I will tell you why. After a series of treatments for her pelvic inflammatory disease, Gracey found no cure. It was devastating. We almost lost hope. And the only solution was to undergo a hysterectomy in Manassas.

 As her mother, I had to stand up and show my support. Well, the truth is that my introverted daughter does not have many friends, and I was the only shoulder to lean on. But I learned one thing during this trying moment. Not many people are conversant with the basics around hysterectomy.

It is in this regard that I explore some of the most significant pieces of information that you should know about this procedure. Join me!

What is a hysterectomy?

It is a necessary surgical procedure that aims at removing the uterus. This procedure could be partial or complete, depending on the severity of the condition of the patient. Usually, while partial hysterectomy removes the womb yet leaves the cervix intact, a total surgery means the removal of all the two.

While at it, there are instances that involve the removal of the ovaries as well as fallopian tube. Based on the condition, the surgeon can remove one or both the mentioned organs.

Why hysterectomy

A hysterectomy will often become an option if other non-invasive treatments fail. Usually, there are specific conditions that could result in this option. Some of them include the following.

·         As mentioned earlier, pelvic inflammatory disease is one of the most significant contributors to this procedure. It’s a bacterial infection that could severely damage your womb if left untreated. Besides, once it spreads, it could subject you to significant pain.

·         Heavy periods are quite common among many women. But did you know that extended loss of blood could result in a poor quality of the uterus? In such cases, the woman can choose to undergo the knife, especially if she is ready not to have children in the future.

·         Fibroids have, for long, been a menace to the life of many women. These are non-cancerous cells found within the uterus, and will always vary in size. If these fibroids become too large and result in excessive bleeding, this surgery will be vital.

·         Howabout the prolapse of the womb? Such happens when the tissues, as well as ligaments that support the uterus, become weak. Once they get out of their normal position, it would be best for one to undergo this procedure.

·         It would be discriminating not to mention the role of ovarian, cervical, and uterine cancer in pushing one to this surgery. If these cancers eat up the womb so much that it becomes unbearable to handle the pain or even give birth, it would be wise to remove it.

When should you consider this procedure?

Often, it would be ideal for you to let a hysterectomy be your last option. It will only be vital to go for this option once you find out the following.

·         There is no other viable option to handle your condition

·         The symptoms of your disease significantly affect your health and life

·         Once you become ready to go into menopause

·         If you are prepared not to have children in the future

Undoubtedly, this procedure is one that will change the life of any woman. You may not be ready for it. But there are instances that it would be the only option. Take it to save your life.