Most people spend time in gyms and fitness centers to improve their health. Unfortunately, spending a lot of time where people workout in a hot and enclosed space means that you’re in a place which is a perfect breeding grounds for germs. According to a study, the average gym equipment has more than 1 million germs per square inch. The research also shows that the average treadmill has more harmful bacteria than a public water faucet. This is a significant concern for people who want to achieve their fitness goals, but are afraid to go to the gym because they’re worried about getting sick due to the lack of hygiene at gyms. This is why proper gym maintenance, hygiene, and cleanliness should be observed by members and gym owners at all times. 

What Germs Can Be Found in Gym Equipment?

Bacteria is the most common type of germ found on gym equipment. They can cause various illnesses, including skin, respiratory, and food poisoning. One particularly dangerous bacterium found on gym equipment is Staphylococcus aureus. This bacterium can cause serious skin infections, such as boils and abscesses. It can also cause respiratory infections and food poisoning. Viruses are also commonly found on gym equipment. They can cause various illnesses, including the common cold, the flu, and chickenpox. 

Fungi are less common than bacteria or viruses, but they can also be found on gym equipment resulting in poor hygiene at gyms . Fungi can cause various illnesses, including skin infections, respiratory infections, and food poisoning. One particularly dangerous fungus found on gym equipment is Aspergillus fumigatus. This fungus can cause severe respiratory diseases, such as pneumonia.

What Should Gym Owners Do to Maintain Gym Cleanliness?

The first step towards gym health and cleanliness should be taken by gym owners, and they should be extra diligent in their cleaning efforts. This includes hiring professionals to do a thorough fitness center cleaning to properly disinfect all equipment at least once a week to prevent the spread of germs, apart from daily cleaning. Gym owners must ensure that all equipment and weights are wiped and sanitized to prevent various bodily fluids from spreading diseases. 

A small gym owner should expect to pay an average of $150 monthly for cleanliness and sanitation, while owners of larger gyms may expect to pay $12,000 to $30,000 per year. Gym owners must also ensure that their members take proper precautions to maintain good hygiene at gyms. This includes providing adequate supplies such as soap, towels, and disinfectant wipes that they can use during and after workouts. 

What Members Should Do to Keep The Gym Clean

Members shouldn’t leave all the work to gym owners and management– they should also do their part to help keep the gym clean. They should always make sure to wipe down equipment before and after use. Regular hand sanitation should also be encouraged, so gym members should clean their hands with hand sanitizer or alcohol before and after using gym equipment. It is also important to shower after working out and keep the locker room clean.

Gyms and fitness centers can be breeding grounds for germs, but there are steps that both gym owners and members can take to help maintain gym cleanliness. By following these guidelines, everyone can stay healthy while still achieving their fitness goals.