Realizing that our bodies can heal injuries by themselves gives relief from other technical, medical procedures. Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a regenerative medical treatment based on the origin of your blood by harnessing the capabilities of your body’s natural factors of growth to initiate and boost a self-healing process. The treatment for PRP in Santa Monica is provided by Dr. Daniel Moghadam, MD, a qualified and experienced physician in regenerative and anti-aging healthcare services.

Together with his compassionate team of specialists, he ensures to treat hair loss, enhance sexual health, rejuvenate your skin, and remove joint pains, all at Modern Aesthetica. To learn more about our natural wellness services, reach out for an online appointment via the online tool or call the Modern Aesthetica office today.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma?

Platelet-rich plasma is an injective therapy consisting of the patient’s blood constituents. The concentration has high amounts of platelets to catalyze the healing process of injured ligaments, tendons, joints, and muscles.

Dr. Daniel ensures that the patient’s specific healing system enhances the musculoskeletal issues upon administering the Platelet-rich plasma injections.

 How Are The Platelet-Rich Plasma Injections Prepared?

The PRP is often taken from any of your blood tubules and then goes through a centrifuge for platelet concentration. The high concentration of platelets is then injected into your body’s injured or damaged tissue. In the process, there is a release of stimulant growth factors, thereby increasing the body’s production of reparative cells. Ultrasound technology is applied to ensure injections target the needful point of injury.

What conditions benefit from Platelet-rich membranes?

  • Hip, knee, shoulder pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Fracture pain
  • Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain
  • Foot and ankle pain
  • Lower back and neck pains

Being under the care of Dr. Daniel, be certain to remove your severe and acute pains. The platelet-rich plasma injections also help in avoiding more intense treatments like invasive surgical procedures.

Aesthetic Conditions That Benefit From PRP

Dr. Daniel provides anti-aging aesthetical treatments using PRP in the following dimensions:

Platelet-rich plasma facial

Dr. Moghadam uses tools of micro-needling to direct the healing factors into your respective desired facial skin sections. The PRP growth factors enhance the production of collagen to revive your skin’s radiant, youthful look.

Restoration of the hair

Patients facing hair loss challenges get relief with Dr. Daniel’s scalp PRP injections. The injections enhance dormant follicles’ activation and increase the hair’s growth cycle by boosting strength and thickness.

What is PRP’s Impact on Sexual Health?

For both women and men’s sexual health, PRP helps in the following manner:

Penis shots of PRP

The injection is given to the head and shaft of the penis to enhance function and health via the production of new nerve endings and blood vessels.

Vaginal revitalization

PRP injection is administered to the clitoris and in the vagina to enhance functionality and sexual health.

PRP Candidacy

At Modern Aesthetica, a full medical assessment is done to comprehend your health goals and concerns.

You work with your physician on a plan that assists in achieving your discussed concerns through the best treatment experiences ever, such as PRP.

To access our natural healing services for any of the listed concerns above, call the office or request an appointment via the online feature today.