The way you live, your working environment, and your diet all have a great impact on your general and oral health. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are available to correct and reconstruct dental and facial disorders and injuries. The best The Woodlands, TX oral & maxillofacial surgeon is at your disposal at Oral Facial Surgery Specialists. Dr. Oscar Muniz, DMD, MD deals with teeth implants and cosmetic facial surgery. He and Dr. Cesar Guerrero, DDS are experts in the following dental and facial procedures:

Diagnosing of oral and maxillofacial complication

This area of dentistry involves diagnosing and treating complex issues associated with oral wellness. These issues include oral cancer, jaw misalignment, oral ulcers, tooth decay, neck or head tumour,  and cleft lip. These dental complications can be hard to determine since their symptoms are not always readily recognizable; hence the patients have a responsibility to visit their physician regularly for a checkup. However, severe complications may have the following signs:

  • Bleeding sores in your mouth
  • Chronic throat soreness
  • White or red marks on the interior side of your cheeks
  • Exterior swelling of your cheeks.

Some procedures you may undergo during dental and facial treatment are as mentioned below.

Procedures followed by surgeons during oral and maxillofacial treatment

During treatment, sedation dentistry is used on patients with fear and pain anxiety according to this reliable dentist in Decatur TX,. Some of these complications are not severe; hence they can be treated via the outpatient program. However, extreme conditions that need surgery cannot be performed via an outpatient-based program since they require a unique approach. These include skin cancer surgery, facial surgery for reconstruction, skull-based injuries, and many more. Procedures that surgeons may undertake during treatment include:

  • The removal of jaw cysts and tumours
  • Surgery of skin lesions either on head or neck
  • Cosmetic facial surgery
  • Constructive facial surgery
  • Removal of the neck and malignant head tumours
  • Teeth implantation

The above procedures are done using modern technology to ensure that diagnosing and treatment are comfortable and effective. Technology such as computer guided surgery and a 3D technique ensures that the outcome of each type of surgery is successful.

 Procedures to follow for better recovery after undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery

Surgery causes a severe wound that needs proper care for it to recover. Your physician will provide you with a variety of instructions to follow for your recovery. The type and the place of surgery determine these directives. They include:

  • Type of food to eat. Soft foods are recommended to patients who have undergone gum and jaw surgeries. They minimize jaw and gum re-destruction while chewing.
  • Medication to control pain. It would be best if you took the specified pain killer to prevent other complications from emerging. Some antibiotics may irritate and burn the surgical area.
  • When to return to work or school. This directive happens typically between one or two weeks after surgery.

Living your life free from pain deformities is the main goal at Oral Facial Surgery Specialists at the Woodlands. Contact the office for more and detailed information on how we can help with your oral and maxillofacial problems.