With the rising cases of cancer patients, an alternative has to be put in place to secure the fertility of those affected. This is because cancer therapy can cause fertility complications, and many of those affected may not have started or completed their families. That is why Celebration fertility preservation specialists at the Center for Reproductive Medicine aim at helping you secure your future family through a comprehensive program to preserve fertility. Therefore, if you are diagnosed with any particular type of cancer, do not be stressed and anxious about your therapy’s effects on fertility.

Fertility Preservation Options Prior Therapy

If you have not yet begun your cancer therapy, several fertility preservation options can help you. However, it depends on several factors including your marital status and the amount of time available before your cancer therapy. The options include:

In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Freezing

In vitro fertilization and embryo freezing require a source of sperm and takes about two to six weeks. Fertility drugs are used to cause multiple eggs development, which is then retrieved transvaginally. The eggs are then fertilized with your partner’s sperm and then frozen. This can offer you an opportunity to have a pregnancy after your cancer treatment. This is because the eggs can be stored for several years until you complete your treatment, and this procedure may not be available when there is an urgency to begin cancer treatments.

Mature Oocyte (egg) Cryopreservation

This fertility preservation option requires about two to six weeks before your cancer therapy. It involves the use of hormonal treatments to mature the eggs, which are then retrieved and frozen. Egg freezing before chemotherapy has proven reliable for fertility preservation, and recent technological advancements have been made to improve egg survival and pregnancy rates. However, this procedure is also only suitable if you can delay your therapy.

In Vitro Maturation

This is an option where your therapy cannot be delayed. It involves undergoing a procedure where your immature eggs are retrieved to be matured in the laboratory. There are recent reports of successful pregnancies and healthy live-born babies through this procedure holding a promise to fertility preservation.

Fertility-Sparing Surgery

This procedure involves moving or suspending the ovaries surgically to minimize the amount of exposure to the radiation. This can help if you require pelvic or abdominal radiation as part of your cancer treatment. However, if you have ovarian or cervical cancer, this procedure will be an option depending on your cancer type and stage.

Medical Suppression of the Ovaries

Cancer affects anyone and can affect girls who have not yet gone through puberty. This fertility preservation option comes in to protect such girls from the effect of chemotherapy. It involves using medications to inactivate the ovaries and be done at least ten days before the chemotherapy starts. Depo-Lupron is a particular medication used in this procedure and is given as a monthly injection. The medicine also benefits the girls as it can stop menstruation, curbing chemotherapy’s severe risks on menstruation.

If you are yet to begin your cancer treatment option and delay the treatment, the above options can help you preserve your fertility. However, most of them require expertise, and you should consult experienced providers first. You can reach out to the Center for Reproductive for more information.