A successful relationship requires constant work from both parties to ensure that the bond remains strong and life feels good together. Addiction is a serious issue that can have a profound and detrimental impact on the health of a relationship. When one half of a partnership is contending with an addiction problem it has the potential to seriously test the bond of love and trust that had been created up to that point and potentially ruin relationships.
Getting the help needed to achieve a recovery from addiction is essential. Someone like Turning Tides Treatment Center has the knowledge and experience to provide all the support and medical assistance needed in such a challenging situation.
Meanwhile, while the focus is on recovery, it is also important to understand the impact addiction can have on a relationship. Here is a look at some of the ways that addiction can ruin a relationship.
Addiction can change your personality
One of the fundamental changes a person can go through when they are battling addiction is detrimental adjustments to their personality.
Addiction tends to promote a greater level of secrecy. Trying to hide the extent of the problem from loved ones involves becoming more secretive and less honest.
Once honesty has been challenged or removed from a relationship it can have serious consequences and test the strength and resolve of that relationship.
It can often be the case that someone who is usually open and honest can become the polar opposite as a result of their addiction.
Violence is a common issue
The threat of physical violence is bound to have a serious impact on the state of any relationship, however strong it might be.
It is known that certain substances can induce a violent reaction in the user. Even people who have a placid personality and have never demonstrated any violent tendencies before can become far more aggressive as a result of their addiction.
Alcohol is a primary candidate for inducing violent and aggressive behavior. Once violence is introduced into a relationship it is clear how impactful that can be.
The other party becomes an enabler
Living with an addict offers numerous challenges. When there is a loving relationship at stake it can often happen that the other party can assume the role of enabler.
This involves making excuses for their partner’s actions and behaviors. They might even feel a sense of guilt or responsibility even though it is clearly not their fault.
The relationship can be severely compromised when one person takes on the role of enabler. This might even involve providing money and other forms of support. This might seem like a good idea at the time but it is clearly not going to offer a long-term solution to the addiction problem. In fact, acting as an enabler could worsen the situation and eventually may well ruin the relationship.
When a relationship becomes toxic it can even prevent a successful recovery from addiction. Seeking the treatment help needed can offer a way to redeem the status of the relationship through a successful recovery.