Was hitting the gym before the pandemic already a struggle for you? Is limited access to fitness facilities giving you reason to shirk your workout routines? Due to COVID-19 restrictions and social distancing protocols, the pandemic can easily be used as the perfect excuse for some people to put aside their fitness goals. You don’t have to be one of those people.

Fitness became less of a priority for many when the COVID Omicron variant emerged in various locales, like Ontario. However, the province just announced the reopening of indoor gyms with increased capacity limits on January 31, 2022. Still, this doesn’t mean people will be running to get back to their fitness routines.

If you’re still wary about the pandemic but also want to get back to working out, you can do your exercises in the comfort of your home. You don’t even need specialized exercise equipment to get those muscles flexing. If you have a sofa or an armchair, you’re good to go.

If you feel like the sofa you currently have needs to be upgraded or you simply want a new one for your daily exercises, check out some of these Toronto modern sofas. These sofas can be used to execute the following workout routines:

1. Sofa Squats

To work on your legs and buttocks, these sofa squats  are a great alternative for when you can’t get to the gym.

  • Stand in front of your sofa, facing forward with the sofa behind you
  • Position your feet shoulder-width apart on the floor
  • Put your hands on your hips or at the back of your head
  • Lower your body until you’re sitting on the edge of the sofa
  • Stand back up again and  return to your starting position

To start, try doing three sets of 10 squats. For a challenge, try doing single leg squats, alternating legs for each rep.

2. Seated Crunches

Crunches are great for your core, helping to build and strengthen your abs. Standard crunches are executed on the floor, but if you don’t want the neck pain this brings, seated crunches on your sofa is a good alternative.

  • Sit on the edge of your sofa
  • Hold the front of the cushion for support
  • Ease back while extending your legs up
  • Make sure your heels are six inches off the ground
  • Bring your knees and chest close together to execute the crunch
  • Lower your angled to original position and repeat the process.

Try doing three sets of 12 seated crunches per session.

3. Triceps Dips

Triceps dips are great for developing upper-body strength. Build arm and shoulder strength without turning off your TV!

  • Start from a seated position
  • On each side of your hips, place your hands on the edge of the couch
  • Make sure your fingers point at your feet.
  • Next, extend your legs in front of you with your arms straight.
  • Drop your hips to the ground by bending your elbows to a 90-degree angle.
  • Press your palms into the sofa to return to the starting position.

Try three sets of 15 triceps dips in 30-second intervals. Increase repetitions when you want a challenge.

4. Side Plank

Side planks are an excellent addition to your core workout routine. Compared to crunches, it works more on strengthening your obliques. You can do this on the sofa, but to get used to the proper body mechanics of this move, it’s best to practice it first on the floor.

  • Start by laying sideways and stacking your feet
  • Raise your core leaning on one elbow
  • Keep it straight beneath your shoulder and lift your hips
  • Ensure that your ribs, abdomen, hips, and knees are aligned
  • Keep this position for 30 seconds, then lower your body back down
  • Rest and do this move again on the other side

5. Leg Raises

Leg raises are also great for your stomach and core strength. You can do this either by sitting or lying on the couch.

  • Begin by lying on the sofa with your shoulders back against it.
  • Put your hands under your lower back
  • Lift your legs straight with your thighs toward the ceiling
  • Make sure your back doesn’t curve on the sofa
  • Keep raising your legs until you can’t take it anymore
  • Lower your legs down and do it again.

Start with four sets of 10 leg raises. You can do it with one leg first if you don’t want to push yourself too much.

Final Thoughts

It may take a lot of effort to keep yourself active at home, but these sofa workout routines can help you get started. Don’t hesitate to reduce the number of sets and reps if you’re struggling.

Remember that fitness routines should not be a race, so feel free to do your routine at your own pace. It’s also best to consult your doctor first before starting a new workout.