Chronic neck pain is a disorder that affects many people across the globe. This disorder is caused by compression or damage of nerves and soft-tissues that are found on your neck. Many complications result in damage and stress of nerves and tissues, which include injuries from accidents, falling, neck bone dislocation, fractures, and herniated spinal disks. However, other factors may lead to the occurrence of neck pain. According to the health department, it is vital to seek medical attention before neck pain becomes severe Studio City neck pain is a health care center that treats and manages both mild and severe neck pain. Below are the signs and symptoms of neck pain.

The primary signs and symptoms of neck pain

There are many signs and symptoms associated with chronic neck pain. These symptoms include:

  • Difficulties when turning your neck
  • Sleeping problems
  • Difficulties when swallowing
  • Headache, which may be severe as time goes
  • Dizziness
  • Lightheadedness

The above symptoms are common to adults. However, some symptoms may differ according to gender and age. For instance, neck pain would be manifested in babies through abnormal crying. Below are the significant causes of neck pain.

The significant causes of neck pain

There are many causes of neck pain, which include:

  • Work. Neck pain is prevalent in people working in the office using computers and smartphones. Bending your neck while using your computer and smartphone for a long time causes neck pain. When your neck is bent, the spinal disks may pose extra pressure on the tissues and nerve, thus causing pain. People who carry cargos with their heads would also experience neck pain at some point.
  • Herniated spinal disks. At some point in your life, due to the wear and tear of spinal tissue that holds spinal disks, your disks may tend to shift from their position. When disks move, they compress nerves causing neck pain. Accidents may also cause herniated spinal disks.
  • Health issues. Diabetic patients are likely to suffer from chronic neck pain. The high sugar level in your body damages nerves and tissues. Damaged nerves and tissues around the neck cause neck pain.
  • Neck injuries. Having injuries may cause closed fractures. These fractures result in neck pain. Injuries may also cause nerve and tissue damage.

Treatment of neck pain

Medication is taken to relieve neck pain and reduce inflammation. Other drugs can be offered to repair damaged nerves and tissues. Invasive surgery is done to put the herniated disks back to their position. However, neck pain may be caused by a trauma that requires traditional surgery to remove it.

Neck pain is a common disorder that affects many people. Both adults and children can incur the disease. Neck pain is mainly caused by injuries that occur around your neck, but other factors promote its occurrence. It is essential to find treatment before your neck pain persists.