The bladder health is probably one of the most overlooked aspects that people often forget can stir up quite a nuisance if not taken proper care of. Every normal human being utilizes their urinary tract for a generous number of purposes in a day. However, taking proper care of it and ensuring its optimum health and efficiency is an entirely contradicting issue.  

It is estimated that a boggling number of 25 million adult Americans suffer from at least one form of urinary tract deficiency or urinary incontinence, and 200 million worldwide. Under these statistics, 16% of men aged above 18 have Overactive Bladder or OAB condition, while, 12.2 million adults suffer from Urge Incontinence.

According to Texas urology specialists, some of the most predominant factors that cause urinary tract/ bladder problems, especially in men’s are as follows:

  • Diabetes 
  • Smoking 
  • Low physical activity 
  • Caffeine 
  • Alcohol
  • Overweight, etc. 

Of course, the majority of all the bladder infections can be treated effectively with the convenience of Advanced Urology. However, it is critically important to ensure you take proper care of your bladder and keep it running smoothly to avoid any type of complicated medical conditions in the later stages.

Here are some simple and effective tips to achieve the similar result.

Always keep yourself hydrated 

Dehydration is the enemy! In the majority of the cases, a glass full of water solves more problems than eating apples to keep your Doctor away. This is especially true for maintaining a healthy bladder. The concept is simple-keep utilizing your bladder to ensure it operates at its optimum efficiency.

An average human loses about 2-3 liters of water every day; hence, to counter that fluid reduction, we need to intake the right proportion of water to maintain the optimal hydration status. The American Dietetic Association recommends the intake of at least 6-8 oz of fluid (mainly water) to ensure a healthy bladder.  

Apart from ensuring a healthy bladder, keeping your body hydrated helps your body steer clear of some other severe medical conditions such as heart diseases and kidney failures, etc. 

Avoid consuming excess Caffeine and Alcohol 

Making sure your body receives its fair share of fluid intake every day is highly recommended, but not with the wrong form of a fluid (s). Excess intake of alcohol and caffeine further “upsets” your bladder and causes diuresis. This condition increases the production of urine in your bladder, causing you to frequent the loo more than what you typically undertake. 

Caffeine and Alcohol intake causes overactive bladder, which, as evident by its name, plays a crucial role in creating low bladder control, promotes a sudden urge to urinate, and results in exacerbated symptoms as well.

Apart from these two factors, smoking also plays a vital role in irritating the bladder muscle. The spasm caused as a result of the smoker’s cough also initiates urine leakage as well.

Keep yourself clean post-intercourse 

Not many people are aware of it, but post-sex urination is one of the crucial ways to keep yourself safe from developing a bladder-related infection in the foreseeable future. This is primarily because Bacterias can easily make their way up to your urinary tract during intercourse and can cause several bladder infections later on.

This is true for both men and women, and hence, flushing out the bacterias via urination is one of the simplest and effective means of avoiding any form of bladder infections. The groin area, in specific, is a hotspot for bacterias in men. Thus, urination, as well as proper cleaning post-sex, is highly recommended.  

Regular exercise

Keeping yourself physically fit by indulging in various exercise regimes can help a great deal in preventing bladder problems and constipation, as well. Pelvic floor exercises (kegel exercise) in specific help a great deal in helping you control your bladder, aka hold your urine. 

Participating in such physical exercises on a daily basis enhances your urinary muscles and helps you prevent the urine from leaking as a result of sudden muscle contractions as a result of cough, laugh, or just the sudden urge to pee as well. 

The most prominent advantage of partaking in regular exercise, however, is to keep your ideal body weight in check. The problem of overweight is deeply associated with a bladder infection, and, hence, keeping your body weight in check immensely helps in promoting a healthy bladder as well. 

Use your bathroom schedule efficiently 

Sometimes the simplest problem may be because you are not utilizing your bathroom schedule efficiently or even enough. Professional Urologists suggests using your bathroom at least 3-4 hours a day to wipe out the tank effectively. Holding your urine for an overstretched period of time weakens your bladder muscle and increases your chances of developing urine infection as well. Thus, utilizing your bathroom schedule whenever necessarily is critically vital. 

It is also important to note that leaving out incomplete urine in your bladder can make the infection even more likely as well. It is, therefore, important to take enough time to fully empty your bladder when urinating to avoid infections.