A versatile botanical with roots dating back thousands of years, aloe vera has found a unique space within the kitchen and cabinets of homes around the world. Whether as a topical to support skin health or as a nutritional supplement to provide extra flavor and health support, Herbalife reviews are glowing regarding Herbalife Nutrition’s Herbal Aloe Concentrate.

There are a variety of nutritional benefits and versatile uses for aloe recipes, so let’s leap into the Aloe Vera Concentrate product review to better understand them.

Belonging to a genus of more than 550 species, aloe most commonly refers to aloe vera. This succulent plant appeared on the Arabian Peninsula thousands and thousands of years ago, becoming a commonly used ingredient in the beauty realm as well as in health and wellness.

Aloe vera is well known and understood for its moisturizing properties. However, in today’s discussion, we shall be focusing on how to incorporate aloe into your Herbalife shakes for maximum benefit.

The Herbalife Process

Aloe isn’t simply aloe vera. The purification process by which businesses source their aloe vera can change the way the product interacts with consumers. Herbalife Nutrition enjoys a thorough and exhaustive purification process that culminates in highly purified Aloe Vera Leaf Juice, particularly when compared to industry standards.

Herbalife Nutrition sources the finest aloe vera from experienced farmers in Mexico. The aloe is then washed, sanitized, and ground into a fine liquid juice. This juice is filtered through activated carbon to remove all instances of aloins before a clarifying agent is added. Purifying the juice before balancing its pH will provide the final touches before the product is bottled.

Rejuvenating Aloe Mango Shake

Herbalife Nutrition has a range of products geared toward multi-application use. Herbal Aloe Concentrate is made from aloe and is used to support stomach health, providing better G.I. absorption and intestinal support.

Required Ingredients

  • 15ml Herbal Aloe Concentrate [Original]
  • 1 Scoop Herbalife Formula 1 
  • 1 Cup Diced Mango
  • 120ml Water
  • Ice Cubes

To create this beverage, simply mix 15ml of Herbal Aloe Concentrate with a cup of fresh diced mangoes and water. Blend with a scoop of Formula 1, mixing as needed until consistency meets your preferences. This rejuvenating mango drink can provide a boost of hydration as well as stomach calmness on potentially rough G.I. days. The added protein acts to support muscle health.

Refreshing Soda Alternatives

Herbalife Nutrition creates an Herbal Aloe Concentrate that is diverse in use and flexible in the flavor profile. Available in Mandarin, Cranberry, Mango, and Original, Herbalife Nutrition fans can create a simple and reduced ingredient version of soda from the comfort of home.

Required Ingredients

  • Desired Herbalife Aloe Concentrate
  • Sparkling Water

Simply mix the aloe vera juice with sparkling water for a more accessible version of soda without the filler ingredients. The refreshing aloe vera will provide hydration and stomach health support while the sparkling water still provides that fizz that is revered by so many people.

Learn More at Herbalife Nutrition

Herbalife Nutrition has been helping support nutritional habits throughout the world with science-backed products that taste as good as they look. Available in 90 countries and counting, Herbalife provides access to leading meal replacement shakes, teas, aloes, fitness products, and energy support supplements.