One would say that being youthful is a state of mind. Sometimes, we want to look as youthful outside as we feel inside. No matter how hard we try ageing can take a toll on us. Though having a skincare regime is crucial, it can’t stop the ageing process. There are non-invasive procedures available that can help to fight the signs of ageing, but sometimes they aren’t enough. If looking for an effective and efficient way to take years off your face, you should consider undergoing Facelift Toronto. It is an anti-ageing cosmetic surgical procedure that tightens the underlying facial muscles. If this is a cosmetic procedure you’ve been considering, we are here to tell you about it.

Why should you consider undergoing a facelift?

As one begins to age, fine lines and wrinkles start to appear. As the collagen, elasticity and muscle tone begin to decline, the skin starts to loosen. With ageing, the wrinkles deepen, neck skin begins to sag and facial hollowness starts to appear. A facelift is a comprehensive facial surgery which addresses the various signs of wear and tears present on the face to the neck. The surgery works on the deeper layers by putting these multiple layers of skin, deep muscle and fat into their original place. Being a meticulous approach, it is a long-term investment to consider.

Who should consider undergoing a facelift?

Certain criteria need to be met for one to be a good candidate for facelift surgery. The patient should have sagging skin present around the jawline and lower face because of loss of muscle and elasticity. Presence of loose, creepey skin around the eyes and mouth and creases, lines and wrinkles around the deep nasolabial folds present around the mouth corners can be targeted by a facelift. During the consultation, a thorough medical inspection will be carried out. To undergo a facelift, one should be in good overall health.

Can other procedures be paired with a facelift?

When planning to undergo a cosmetic procedure, you might wonder if it is a good time to improve other features. You can pair the facelift with blepharoplasty, lip lift or CO2 laser. Combining the various procedures can increase the overall price of the facelift. It will lead to a decrease in the anaesthetic and facility fee. When combining various procedures, you need about 2 to 3 weeks off to recover. However, combining the recovery time brings down the individual recovery time of each surgery.

Are the results from the surgery permanent?

A facelift is a meticulous and comprehensive facial plastic surgery that works by targeting multiple layers of the skin. It can definitely take years off your face and make you look younger. Though the results are long-lasting they aren’t permanent. You can enjoy the results for the next 10-15 years. A facelift can’t stop the ageing process. With time, the signs of ageing will begin to appear, making the results not permanent.