For those who would like to switch to plant-based nutrition, one of the first questions that come up on mind is the difference of plant-based protein from the whey. Ideally, whey products are most well-known for athletes and bodybuilders who focus more on building their muscles. But for vegans, they also have a product to counterpart whey protein such as vegan protein powder

Protein 101: What Is It?

Both whey and vegan protein powder contain protein. This element is the essential substance needed by your body to support muscle growth and replenishment. 

Did you know that 20% of your body is made from protein? 

Amino acid is a composite organic substance, which stacks itself together in a block of molecules to create a protein. The primary responsibility of this substance is to repair the hair, muscles, bones, and skin. It also affects the primary key biochemical activities in your glands, arteries, tendons, organs, and more. It eliminates all the unwanted products created during metabolism.

However, not all kinds of amino acids are created equally. There are three categories associated with it, and that includes the following:

  • Conditional Amino Acids: This kind of amino acids is only indispensable if a person experiences serious illness, stress, or post-surgery care
  • Essential Amino Acids: Your body needs this acid to survive. However, essential amino acids cannot produce itself naturally, so you need to consume it orally or via food
  • Non-Essential Amino Acids: Non-essential amino acids can produce itself on its own, to supply the necessary amount required by the body. 

There is an aggregate of 20 amino acids, and only 9 of them are essential. 

A complete protein should have these nine essential amino acids. On the other hand, an incomplete protein contains some of them. For example, to get a complete protein, a person should consume foods in tandem. He could eat meat while drinking a whey protein shake. It is also the same with a vegan diet; you may need to eat beans or brown rice in tandem to acquire these nine amino acids. 

Whey Protein and Vegan Protein Effectiveness

Whey protein comes from milk, but aside from whey, you can also get casein in milk. Whey is produced when dairy products such as yogurt and cheese create a liquid byproduct that has been curdled and strained. In short, whey protein powder came from isolated protein that comes from the whey itself. 

On the other hand, vegan protein comes from isolated protein plant-based such as vegetables, fruits, grains, and seeds. Mostly, vegan protein powder comes from the blend of pumpkin, brown rice, beans, and peas. 

Gluten-free, vegan protein powder is an excellent alternative supplement for vegans who want to associate their exercise with weightlifting. Also, it is suitable for people who are gluten and lactose-intolerant. Besides, vegan protein gives additional benefits of antioxidants, animal cruelty-free, and antibiotics. Not only that, but plant-based protein supports muscle growth the same as whey.

As an athlete, bodybuilder, or active individual, your body still needs other essential nutrients to maximize its effect. Together with vegan protein powder, make sure to consume the recommended amount of calories, fats, and micronutrient contents.