Birth control pills have been used for decades now, but many people still don’t understand they can be used for more than just contraception. It is important to make it clear that contraceptive pills are safe for women, and any minor side effects usually disappear within 2 or 3 months. It is easy to predict the side effects you will experience, so always consult your doctor before starting the pill. So, what are the lesser-known benefits of the pill?

1. Regular Cycle

Having an irregular menstrual cycle can be discomforting, and unfortunately, this happens to many women. If you don’t want to worry about spotting and bleeding at most times of the month, you can opt for combined oral contraceptive pills. They will not just regulate your cycle but can also help you skip your periods entirely if you choose. If you are planning a trip and don’t want to deal with menstruation, you can comfortably take these pills. You can also consider using the pill if you typically have heavy periods. Your periods will come every 28 days and will be quite light.

2. Reduces Menstrual Pains

One of the main benefits of the pill is that it will typically reduce menstrual pains. This further makes the pill ideal for extended trips or times when you cannot afford to experience menstrual pains.

3. Prevents Certain Diseases and Infections

There are many diseases and infections which can be one of the benefits of the pill. Since your bleeding will be reduced or eliminated, you will have a lower chance of suffering from anemia. With the pill, you will also enjoy lower chances of getting severe infections in the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Studies have also found a link between long-term use of oral contraceptives and a decreased risk of endometrial and ovarian cancer. You can also expect to have limited chances of developing cysts in the breast and ovaries.

4. Eliminates Hormonal Acne

Acne can be one of the worst things to ever happen to a woman. Fortunately, the problem can be eliminated with contraceptive pills. Usually, acne results from hormonal fluctuations in the body of a woman, and the pill can help control these fluctuations. Combination pills are the best for controlling acne as they contain both progesterone and estrogen.

5. Reduces Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Most women experience PMS a few days before the start of their periods, and this can result in severe physical and emotional issues. No woman enjoys PMS, and one way to eliminate its symptoms is by using contraceptive pills. This problem is also caused by hormonal fluctuations, and that means it can be one of the benefits of the pill that contain both progesterone and estrogen.

6. Allows You to Have Sex Whenever You Are Ready

Birth control pills have a 99% efficiency rate, meaning about one in a hundred women who use it can get pregnant in any given year. This means you will not really need to worry about getting pregnant when using the pill. However, you should remember that you can still get STDs when using the pill, so make sure you use condoms and other preventive measures. The good thing is that you can get pregnant immediately after you stop taking the contraceptives. It is worth mentioning that your periods may take time to get back to normal after you stop taking the pill, but this usually happens to women who initially had irregular periods.


Birth control pills are used by women all around the world to prevent unwanted pregnancies. However, they still have many other benefits. You can use them to prevent certain diseases and infections, most notably endometrial and ovarian cancer. The pill is also essential for women who experience irregular menstrual cycles. Besides making the periods regular, the contraceptives will also make your periods lighter. Menstrual pains will also be reduced with these pills. Although there are many benefits of the pill, make sure you talk to your doctor to determine whether you can use this form of contraception safely.