Popular dating sites are one of the most sought-after online resources today. Here you can have fun chatting, looking for new friends with common interests or a life partner. You might even end up falling in love with someone you’ve never met. But it is very easy to get lost among the huge number of users of such services. To avoid this, take advantage of our tips on how to attract attention, and confidently master online dating.

1. Appealing look

A mandatory condition on dating sites is to fill out a profile form. And the result will depend on what you write in it. Try to be honest and open. Do not lower your age or write how old you look. Sooner or later, the truth will be revealed. No need to stereotype your qualities in the style of “decent, reliable, hardworking”. Find more interesting definitions for yourself to arouse interest. Come up with a nickname with some humor or a twist to it. It is better if your profile photos are of good quality — 5-6 different shots will say more about your life and interests. If you want to show your elegant side, take a pose wearing a nice suit and high-class watch like Tissot

2. Honesty and openness

Think out carefully what information you write about yourself. Be truthful and open. Tell a short story of your life or an incident from your childhood — a sincere story will find its reader and attract attention to you. In communication, it is very important to tactfully start a conversation, make a timely compliment or leave an interesting comment. Try to listen carefully to the other person and maintain a trusting dialogue. Do not gloss over events or brag about your material wealth. Answer questions openly and don’t be afraid to show real feelings, emotions and a desire to continue the relationship.

3. A positive attitude

Be generous with kind words in your correspondence, praise your companion more often. Treat each other tactfully and with respect. Talk about your day and what you did. Share your views about the weather and shopping. Find out about each other’s interests and hobbies. This way you will quickly find out if you have something in common.

If you started video-chatting, keep the conversation friendly. Tell some funny stories from your life. Smile more often and watch your facial expressions — be emotional and pleasing. But also know your limits, so as not to tire out each other.

4. Goodwill

If your partner entered into a video chat or dating site looking sullen and upset, with a bad mood, don’t take it personally. Try to carefully find out about his/her problems and give advice, distract him/her with another topic or interesting news. If this works, then another positive score will be in your piggy bank.

If the person who wrote to you doesn’t look like what you expected, try not to repel him right away — appearances can be deceiving. You will understand whether the person is worthy of your attention only after talking to him/her. If not, be tactful, find a reason to refuse, don’t insult him or be rude. Don’t offend the person, because you may find yourself in the same situation.

5. Humor and life-loving

A very important point in communication is humor and love for life. With these personality traits, it’s easy to move ahead in life. For online communication, share funny stories and jokes more often, but within reason. Avoid excessive sarcasm and irony. Keep the unspoken intrigue open so that it will make your chat partner want to know more. It is better to talk via a video chat, which can be done not only from home but also from outside, from a cafe or any other place you like. In this case, your chat-partner will better come to know your interests and preferences. Invite him/her on a trip, share impressions of your previous travels.

6. Good grammar and spelling

While corresponding, it is very important to articulate proposals correctly and not make grammatical mistakes. This will give the person an idea of how educated you are. It’s never too late to learn. If you’re at odds with your grammar, then check if you need to put commas somewhere or correct a typo before sending a message. When communicating in a video chat, try to avoid cursing and words like “in short,” “how to say it,” “well,” “means,” and the like. Show your best side, and the result will not keep you waiting.

7. Be natural and informal

If your communication has gone from corresponding on a dating site to video-chat, or even better, to real-life meetings, continue to behave naturally and be at ease. There is no need to get prudish, start flirting, or show your superiority. Only trusting and open behavior will lead to serious relationship development. A trip to a cafe or theater will show how well-educated, generous and elegant your courtship is. Just a few meetings are enough to know if you are on the right path. Do not rush getting into an intimate relationship; get to know each other better first.

8. Punctuality

Punctuality is an important trait in a person’s character. If you have scheduled a chat on a dating service or a live meeting, don’t keep waiting. Show good manners and tact, regardless of your gender. Save your and your partner’s time. In our cycle of life, every hour counts. It is also very important not to sit in front of the screen all day and to avoid empty, unnecessary conversations. If you agreed to chat within an hour, then do not delay the meeting for 3-4 hours. Your punctuality will demonstrate to the other person your seriousness and how busy you are, and will allow you to be evaluated as a person who keeps his word.

9. Be non-intrusive

As in correspondence, so too in live communication, carry on the dialogue properly, do not burden your companion with your own problems, do not overwhelm them with questions about their personal life, don’t complain. Tactfully ask what he is interested in, what plans he has for the near future. Don’t be aggressive when asking for the next meeting. If your partner is interested in you, he will ask for further communication himself. Keep yourself mysterious and unspoken, do not rush things. If you want to learn more about your chosen one, do not load him/her with unnecessary questions, it’s better to visit his/her social network pages and find out for yourself.

Dating sites and video chats are the best helpers for finding a life partner. They are more in demand than our live circles, as they provide the opportunity to communicate with people living on the other side of the world. We hope that our advice will help you in some way. Do not be afraid to make a mistake, seek, communicate, and make your choice. Set goals and move confidently towards your future.