Inversion therapy is getting popular nowadays, the process of suspending you upside down to stretch your spine and relieve your back is certainly helpful. With the proper equipment, you can lay in an inverted position securely and comfortably. The best thing about this is you can relieve your pain at the comfort of your home without using pain-reliever drugs or surgery. There are also plenty of benefits like realigning your spine, relaxing the tense muscle, reducing nerve pressure, and your stress, moreover, it can improve your mobility and core strength.
If you are interested in getting an inversion table, here are some of the qualities and factors you need to consider to get the proper and suitable equipment for you.
Safety Qualities
The inversion table’s safety qualities should be the first and the most important thing that you should consider before purchasing one. The inversion table is safe, but sometimes low-quality design and inadequate safety features can make it dangerous to use. There are a couple of safety features to look for like vinyl side cover to protect you from harming yourself on the table bars when you are inverting. Floor stabilizer should also be present to prevent the stable sliding across the floor when you are using it. You should also look for the steel frame that is durable and can withstand immense usage. Lastly, ankle locks should also be present, ankle locks will keep your feet secure when inverting.
User Reviews and Feedbacks
The best way to know if the product is good is by asking people who already purchased and used it. You should read inversion table reviews and feedback from the past customer. You can read it on trusted sites where they only allow reviews from verified customers. It doesn’t mean the product is good if it has plenty of reviews. Look out for an extensive and helpful review, may it be positive or negative. Information that is unbiased and based on real, in-depth research of the product is what you need to make sure that you are getting the right inversion table.
Key Features
Aside from the safety features, you should also look for the key functionality of the inversion table. It will help you choose a secured and highly usable inversion table. Features like comfortable bed design and handholds that are good for stretching and decompression. Ankle system that is not only comfortable but also easy to strap in and off. Solid and durable steel should also be considered. There is also an inversion table that can allow extra accessories to further help you when using it. Lastly, look for an inversion table with auto-locking hinges to prevent accidents while doing the treatment or therapy.
Third-Party Certification & Approvals
Third-party certifications and approvals are vital to check if the product has good manufacturing practices or a stamp of approval for proven medicinal benefits. A reliable organization like the FDA are the ones approving products that will be out on the market. This will ensure that your inversion table will come from a manufacturer that has to verify the safety and quality of their product.
You can easily find an inversion table since there is no shortage in the market, however, you should first decide on the best fit for you. With plenty of things to consider, proper research (and a good guide like this article) will help you in choosing one.
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