Dental health is essential for beautiful smiles and healthy gums that contribute to your overall health. Brushing teeth twice a day and proper nutrition helps prevent infections and cavities and maintain dental health. Besides, regular dental check-ups and screenings help identify any issues and offer early treatment. Confident smiles attract attention and compliment your overall appearance. Regular dental exams are appropriate to preserve your smile and dental health. Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry provides quality, safe, and effective treatments to improve and restore your smile. The dental experts offer extensive oral care, including a thorough dental exam in Orlando, Florida.

Regular dental visits help in evaluating your mouth’s health and in keeping up a healthy smile. Jose Marcano, DMD, a cosmetic dentist at the Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, offers extensive dental exams to meet his patients’ dental needs. To get started on your journey to achieving a healthy mouth and smile, call or book online to schedule your appointment today.

What is a dental exam?

A dental exam procedure involves a test to check the status and health of your mouth. It is a preventative care method to ensure you do not have any health issues or suffer from one. The exams involve proper cleaning to remove stains and deposits on your teeth, not removed by regular teeth brushing. It also includes screenings for oral cancer and other dental problems.

What to expect on your dental exam and cleaning?

At Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, a dental exam begins with a thorough cleaning from a hygienist. The hygienist performs the following:

·       Removes the plaque from your teeth

·       Scrapes off the hardened plaque from your teeth

·       Polishes your teeth with a rotating brush and gel

During the cleaning process, the hygienist rinses off the debris with water. He or she strives to ensure you get a comfortable experience and achieve excellent clean and refreshing mouth results.

Why is a dental exam important?

Brushing every day at home does not eliminate the dirt and bacteria buildup beneath your gums and in between your teeth. A professional dental exam and cleaning prevent infections, including gum disease and other oral problems.

Plaque forms from the bacteria buildup over your teeth, which hardens to create tartar. The tartar becomes challenging to eliminate without proper dental equipment. Excessive plaque and tartar build-up cause tooth decay and gums infections. Hence, you need a thorough dental cleaning to remove the buildup.

When should you have a dental exam?

At Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, Dr. Marcano recommends two dental visits per year for a healthy smile. However, if you have poor oral health, you may require several dental visits to achieve your desired dental health.

To sum up, dental exams are essential for preventing infections and maintaining healthy teeth and smiles. Orlando Center for Cosmetic Dentistry offers extensive and thorough proceedures, including cleanings and oral cancer screenings for your optimal health. Call or book online to schedule your dental exam today for the best experience and perfect results.