Rhinoplasty is a common cosmetic procedure also known as a nose job. It is an option for those who may be unsatisfied with the shape or size of their nose. It has evolved significantly over the years and can improve nasal function after traumatic injuries. Generally, the goal of rhinoplasty is to help a patient achieve the nose of their desired functionality, size, and shape. Working with an experienced practitioner like Dr. Alexis Furze increases your chances of getting good results.

Most purposes of rhinoplasty include:

  • Altering the size of the nose
  • Getting rid of a hump
  • Opening up breathing passages
  • Reshaping the tip of the nose
  • Straightening the bridge of the nose
  • Making the nostrils bigger or smaller

Some people may get rhinoplasty for medical reasons. If, for example, the cartilage that divides your nostrils needs repair, a nose job may be the answer. 

Rhinoplasty Facts

  1. Rhinoplasty is not an option for children or teenagers as their noses may still be growing. However, pediatric patients with facial birth defects may be eligible for the procedure. 
  2. Eligible candidates must be in good health condition. They should not be smokers since smoking increases the risk of tissue damage. 
  3. Teens may get rhinoplasty if they have parental consent and understand the impact of the procedure. Girls must be at least 15 and boys must be at least 17 to qualify for the procedure. 
  4. Before the procedure, the doctor should explain to a patient the possible risks and benefits of a nose job. Even though the procedure is safe, it must be conducted by a professional and experienced expert. 
  5. Before the surgery, your doctor may print your nose in its current status and how it is expected to look after the surgery. 
  6. A nose job can take up to three hours. It is an outpatient procedure and there are two general techniques; open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty. In an open rhinoplasty, incisions are made both within your nostrils and across the tissues between your nostrils. In closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made within your nostrils. 

The Recovery Process

After a nose job, you may experience some discomfort. However, it is minor and can easily be controlled with medication. During the recovery period, you may have some light bruising. 

You have to wear splints for about a week. The splints protect your nasal cartilage and bones. You must avoid wearing sunglasses for up to five weeks after the surgery. 

Choosing a Surgeon

Before getting rhinoplasty, take your time to research and find a reliable surgeon. The right surgeon must be committed to patient satisfaction. They must be certified and experienced. The surgeon you choose may have a big impact on the results you receive. Avoid facilities that have not been accredited. Your surgeon must understand your goals and clearly explain the risks and benefits of the procedure. If you have any questions, they must be willing to address them.

In conclusion, rhinoplasty is a procedure that may improve a woman’s confidence, looks, and breathing. However, the nose is complex and any small changes may have a significant effect. If you plan on getting a nose job, seek the help of a professional.