Don’t let budget restrictions get in the way of improving your health. When you start a fitness routine, your life can be set up for long-lasting health, reduce your risks for illnesses, and help you manage weight or chronic illnesses.
If money is holding you back from getting fit, try these five tips to get started without breaking the bank.
Skip the Gym – Try Running Instead
The gym can get expensive, with mid-range options costing around $50 a month and even higher prices for high-end options. That can be a budget-breaker, especially as costs like groceries, gas, and other essentials are on the rise.
The gym isn’t the only way to stay fit, as many discovered during lockdowns around the world. Running is an effective way to lose weight, improve your cardiovascular health, and improve your mental health.
It’s also one of the more affordable fitness routines available. You do want to be careful not to overdo it, as you can risk injuring your legs or back, but it’s a great place to start a fitness routine.
Join an Amateur Sports League
Joining an amateur sports league not only adds some physical activity to your week, but it’s also a great way to get out and socialize.
If there’s a sport that you played when you were younger, now’s a great time to pick it back up and shake the rust off your skills. You don’t have to have any previous experience, though. There are plenty of sports you can pick up as an adult and enjoy in an amateur league.
The one issue with a sports league is that you are going to need the right equipment. Fortunately, you don’t have to pay top prices for brand-new equipment. Try looking for “used sports equipment near me” on online marketplaces. You can save a lot when you cut out the middleman and buy directly from people selling their used gear.
Home Workouts
Working out at home can spare you an expensive gym membership. You do run into the issue that you’ll need some equipment to get started, but you can build a basic home gym on a budget. The essentials include:
- Dumbbells
- Kettlebells
- Yoga mat
- Jumping rope
- Resistance band
You don’t need much to start a fitness routine at home. Stick to the basics until you’ve built up a routine, and you can expand when you have room in your budget.
Bike to Work
What if exercise didn’t cost you money but put some cash back into your pocket? Given the high cost of gas, biking to work instead of driving can save you a lot of money. Not only that, but cycling has tons of health benefits.
Biking regularly is associated with lower risks for heart disease and cancer. Getting active can also make it easier to manage your weight than if you drive everywhere.
Buying a bike can be expensive at first, but if you know you have a relatively safe route to work, you can save considerably every day. The returns will help offset the initial cost.
You don’t have to let money constraints stand between you and a healthier lifestyle. Start a fitness routine on a budget with these tips.