Our bodies go through various changes throughout our lives, and sometimes, it’s natural for certain parts to transform. When it comes to breasts, factors like aging, pregnancy, weight loss, or genetics can cause them to lose their firmness and shape over time leading many to consider different types of breast lift procedures.

The breast lift procedure or mastopexy, aims to elevate and rejuvenate the breasts, giving them a more youthful and lifted appearance. So, if you’ve ever wondered about how this procedure works or even if it’s the right choice for you, you’ve come to the right place.

We discuss the different types of breast lift procedures and what to expect during recovery.

What Are the Different Types of Breast Lifts?

Several types of breast lifts exist, each designed to address different levels of sagging and patient goals. They include:

Periareolar Breast Lift/ Donut lift

The periareolar or donut lift is an excellent option for patients with moderate sagging. It involves making an incision around the areola, creating a donut-shaped pattern.

Through this incision, excess skin is removed, and the breast tissue is lifted and reshaped. This technique can also reduce the size of the areola if desired.

Vertical or Lollipop Lift

For patients with moderate sagging, this procedure involves an incision around the areola and a vertical incision down to the inframammary fold. This allows for both lifting the areola and tightening the breast tissue.

Anchor or Inverted-T Lift

This procedure is ideal for patients with significant sagging. It involves an incision right around the areola, a vertical cut leading to the inframammary fold, and an additional horizontal cut within the fold. This provides the most significant lift and reshaping of the breast tissue.

Crescent Lift

The crescent lift is a minimalistic approach suitable for patients with mild sagging. It involves a small incision made along the upper half of the areola.

This technique is often combined with breast augmentation to enhance volume. However, it has limited applicability and may not be suitable for significant breast ptosis.

How to Prepare for a Breast Lift Procedure

Before undergoing a breast lift surgery, your surgeon may require you to:

  • Get a lab test or a comprehensive medical evaluation to ensure you are in good health for the procedure.
  • Adjust or temporarily discontinue certain medications that may interfere with the surgery or recovery process.
  • Schedule a baseline mammogram before the surgery to establish a reference point for your breast tissue. This helps in detecting any future changes in your breast health and ensures a thorough evaluation of your breasts.
  • Cease smoking before the surgery. Smoking can affect the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
  • Refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements. These substances can potentially increase bleeding during and after surgery. Make sure to disclose all medications and supplements you are currently taking to your surgeon for proper guidance.

Recovery and Post-Operative Care

The recovery process for a breast lift procedure is generally well-tolerated by patients. Some key points to consider during recovery include:

  • Pain and discomfort: Breast lift surgery is typically not very painful, and patients may experience some tenderness along the incision for the first few weeks. This should subside by week 3.
  • Compression bra: Patients should wear a compression bra for the first few weeks following surgery to support the healing process.
  • Activity restrictions: Patients should avoid upper body exercise for four weeks and refrain from swimming or taking baths for at least six weeks after surgery.
  • Medications: Patients may be prescribed antibiotics and pain medications to aid in recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is a Good Candidate for Breast Lift Surgery?

Breast lift surgery is generally recommended for individuals who feel that their nipples or breasts sit too low on their chest and would like a more youthful and elevated appearance.

Can Breast Lift Surgery Be Combined With Other Procedures?

Yes, breast lift surgery can be performed in conjunction with breast augmentation or breast reduction procedures, depending on the patient’s goals and needs.

How Long Does Breast Lift Surgery Take?

The duration of the surgery depends on the type of breast lift procedure, ranging from one to three hours.

What Are the Possible Complications of Breast Lift Surgery?

Potential complications with breast lifts may include infection, bleeding, breast shape irregularities, or poor healing. Make sure to discuss these risks with your surgeon before the procedure and follow their post-operative care instructions.

When Will I See the Final Results of My Breast Lift Surgery?

While results can be seen immediately following the surgery, the tissues will stretch and settle over several months, leading to the final and most appealing outcome. You can start seeing the final shape after 6 to 12 weeks.

Will a Breast Lift Affect Breastfeeding?

While some changes to the breast tissue and nipple position may occur after a breast lift, many women can still breastfeed successfully. Discuss your plans for future pregnancies and breastfeeding with your surgeon before having the procedure done.

Will My Insurance Cover the Cost of a Breast Lift Procedure?

Generally, breast lift surgery is considered a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. However, you should check with your insurance provider to understand your coverage options.