Running requires a lot of stamina. For professional runners who run a very long time, they need quick energy refills to help them run a long time and a longer distance. Healthy green juices can be of great help in replenishing lost stamina. 

Some runners drink energy drinks to replenish their energy, thinking that it will help them regain their lost stamina. This is not true as these energy drinks contain sugar, and your body wastes calories breaking the sugar. This is a long process, so your body will not feel revitalized instantly.

However, the juice recipes contained in this article do not have sugar. Therefore, they are an excellent drinking choice for runners to regain energy.

Some Additional Information

Do not add processed sugar that you find in super shops. These sugars are complex materials, and it is difficult for your body to break them down into simpler components. To make your juice taste sweet, add natural sweeteners. Bananas, mangoes, apples can be a great natural sweetener for your drink.

Also, drink one glass a day. Just because it is juice does not mean it is low in calories. As it contains high sugar fruits like bananas, that means they are also filled with calories, so drinking one glass a day is sufficient.

Now that we have that out of our way let’s dive into some delicious yet healthy juice recipes.

1. Moringafi Green Juice

Australia’s famous Moringafi Green Juice has made quite a name for all itself among fitness professionals and athletes. The juice is completely organic and contains myriads of health benefits.

It contains moringa oliefera, organic matcha green tea, spirulina, chlorella, and tons of other healthy ingredients. It detoxes the body, replenishes energy, helps reduce weight, and is packed with superfoods.

2. Hydration Boost Juice

As the name suggests, this juice is extremely beneficial to hydrate your body. Your body loses a lot of water through sweating while running, and this juice can solve your dehydration problem.

This juice’s main ingredients are 1/2 pineapple, 1/4 watermelon, 1 cucumber, 1 lemon, 1 inch (2.5 cm) piece of fresh ginger, and 5 strawberries. You can see that it is made with two of the most hydrating fruits, watermelon, and cucumber.

The ginger can make the juice taste strong, so you can remove the ginger if you want a lighter drink. The strawberries will add Vitamin C to the drink to help you boost your immune system.

3. Immunity Juice

This juice is extremely beneficial for developing your immune system. The main ingredients here are 2 green apples, 1 cucumber, 4 stalks of celery, 1 handful of kale or spinach, ½ lemon, and 1 thumb tip ginger.

With all the green fruits available, this juice has many vitamins in it, which can act as a strong immunity boosting supplement for your body.

4. Beet Juice

Beet juice is famous for improving your cardiovascular health. With a better cardiovascular system, you will be able to run faster and longer.

The main ingredients for beet juice are 4 green apples, ½ raw beetroot, and ⅓ lemon. This is comparatively a simpler recipe, but that does not mean it falls behind in nutrition value.

Beets can improve your cardiovascular system. Research by the  European Journal of Applied Physiology has stated that drinking beet juice can create faster sprint times.

5. Purple Juice

This rather unique juice can be a huge power booster for your body. It contains a huge amount of vitamins that can boost your body only with one glass.

The main ingredients for this include 2 celery stalks, 1/2 carrot, 1 cucumber, 1 handful of spinach, 1/2 lemon, 1 beet, 1 green apple, 1/4 head of red cabbage, and 1″ fresh ginger root. You can see that this drink has a lot of strong flavors like ginger, beet carrot.

6. Carrot Apple Juice

Carrots are an extremely potent vegetable for containing low cholesterol and high immunity-boosting nature. Apples have a similar benefit as well. They both are also a great source of vitamin C. So what happens when you mix these two together? You get a super-effective drink.

The main ingredients for this juice are self-explanatory. You need 2 carrots, 1 green apple, and you can add 1 orange or grapefruit for additional taste and to increase the vitamin C value in your drink.

7. Ruby Tuesday

The cocktail is a favorite choice for many people. The sweet and spicy mixture can excite anyone’s taste bud. But as we all know, cocktails contain alcohol, and alcohol can damage your body.

So how can you taste the spicy yet sweet flavor of a cocktail without the health-damaging trait of alcohol? Simple drink Ruby Tuesday.

The ingredients for this rare drink are ¼ medium pineapple, 2 carrots, 1 small beetroot, 1 small chunk of ginger, 4 sprigs of fresh basil, ¼ lime, 1 handful of ice cubes.

You can see that this has the sweet flavors of pineapples and carrots while also having the spicy flavors of ginger and lime. This truly is the healthiest cocktail.

8. Summer Pear Juice

Summer can be really exhausting, and with this refreshing drink, you can enjoy a run even under the hot sun.

The ingredients include 3 pears, 3 green apples, 2 handfuls of spinach, 5 fresh mint sprigs, 1 handful of ice cubes. Just from reading the ingredients, you know this delicious juice will be filled with a refreshing taste.

9. Skin Juice (Savory)

This juice can help you for those heavy workout days like weightlifting or bodyweight workout.

The ingredients included here are 1 cup white grapes, 1/10 cup white boiled beans, 1 bell pepper, and ½ cup cranberry. The beans can provide protein that can reduce your hunger. The Cranberries are full of antioxidants, and they can help detoxify your body after a heavy workout.

10. Apple Pomegranate Juice

Another simple juice, but with great benefits. It only requires 2 Pink Lady apples and 1 pomegranate to make. They are great antioxidants and can help prevent inflammation easily.

Final Thoughts

Juices made with fruits, vegetables, and other natural ingredients are always better than any other chemical energy boosters. We hope this article has given you at least one juice that suits your taste and you can enjoy it after a long day of running.