When an individual is obese, he struggles with several other things than the number on the weighing scale. Being obese increases the risk of developing coronary conditions, diabetes, kidney issues, depression, infertility, joint problems, and cancer. One can handle such health risks significantly by undergoing lap band surgery. Several studies show that individuals with successful lap band surgery outcomes don’t rely on medications for diabetes and lead a more active life. When people try out every possible way to lose weight but are in vain, lap band surgery is ideal.

Post-Surgery Weight Maintenance

Physical appearance plays a significant role in day-to-day living. Losing weight and maintaining an optimal weight helps one to feel confident. When an individual appears fit and healthy, it is easy to grab other’s attention. A good physique is pivotal in several job sectors, and lap band surgery is a boon for people who fail to lose and maintain weight conventionally. People fear that excess weight returns post-operation after a specific period. Studies show that individuals successfully enjoy an optimal weight long-term. With some lifestyle changes, maintaining the perfect physique is possible post-surgery.

What is a Lap Band Surgery?

The surgery includes a tiny, inflatable band around the upper area of the patient’s stomach. Because of the presence of the band, the patient consumes less food. Furthermore, the surgery creates two pouches on the stomach that control food consumption and digestion. The upper pouch holds the food, and the lower pouch control digestion. One of the highlights of lab band surgery is that it is minimally invasive. It involves strict diet maintenance and multiple follow-ups after the surgery. To maintain optimal weight loss and enjoy overall health, regular post-op follows are vital. Though side effects are minimal, risks include band slippage, obstruction, poor nutrition, and esophageal dilation. It is necessary to assess all the options before considering the surgery.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for the Surgery?

When an individual is overweight and suffers from weight-related conditions/diseases, lap band surgery is ideal. Undergoing the lap band surgery is a life-changing decision that demands a commitment to adopt better lifestyles. When people fail to lose weight by dietary changes and workouts and have a massive BMI of 40 or more, lap band surgery is ideal. Furthermore, lap band surgery is the solution for severe health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, Type 3 diabetes, arthritis, fatty liver, GERD, sleep apnea, depression, etc. When a person is obese, he develops or worsens certain diseases or health conditions. Losing weight is the only viable solution, and there is nothing better than lap band surgery.

Eligibility Qualifications for the Lap Band Surgery

Experts suggest that not everyone is eligible for lap band surgery. There are requirements to qualify for the surgery.

·        A history of unsuccessful weight loss episodes

·        No health condition that triggers obesity

·        Non-pregnant

·        No excess alcohol drinking or addiction

·        Ready to make drastic lifestyle changes and remain committed to it

In addition to the above-mentioned criteria, the candidate should weigh within a specific BMI range. The BMI criteria for this surgery include:

·        A person with a BMI of 40 or more

·        BMI ranging from 35 to 40 with a health condition like Type 2 diabetes, high BP, heart disease, sleep apnea, etc.

·        BMI ranging from 30 to 35  with uncontrolled metabolic syndrome even with prescribed medications and treatments.

Lap band surgery is a popular choice among overweight or obese people. When people run out of every option to lose weight and keep health conditions under control, lap band surgery is the best choice. It is an effective and safe weight-loss procedure for people who comply with dietary restrictions and commit to lifestyle changes. Lap band surgery is known to improve obese-linked health issues, like heart diseases, high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, kidney problems, sleep apnea, arthritis, etc. The best part is that the surgery is reversible in case a candidate is not happy with the outcomes or there are post-op complications.


Lap band surgery is a common and popular weight loss tool in the USA. It helps to support weight loss objects and improve other health conditions. Before considering a lap band surgery,  a candidate should discuss the pros and cons of the procedure. The surgery demands a lifelong commitment towards better food habits and overall lifestyle changes.