The lungs are some of the most important parts of the human body. Sadly, you do not think about taking care of your lungs most of the time, and we may even take them for granted until we start experiencing difficulty breathing. 

Ensuring that your lungs are healthy is very important as there’s so much to the lungs than just breathing. The lungs keep the rest of the body supplied with oxygen. The lungs also remove carbon dioxide and other waste gases. 

Unbeknownst to a lot, the lungs also have a role in our immune response. When we take in air, germs and pollutants can also be taken in. The lungs help prevent diseases that can be caused by these by means of being caught by the mucus and cilia in our lungs, and expelled out of the body by means of coughing.

True enough, lung health is very important.  It is therefore essential to know how to care for the respiratory system. The following are some tips that can help keep your lungs healthy.

Avoid Smoking

The chemicals you breathe in every time you smoke weaken your respiratory system, including the lungs. Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and other respiratory ailments, and so the best step is to avoid smoking and if possible, don’t start smoking at all. But if you are smoking already, it’s best to seek professional help in order for you to undergo a program on giving up smoking. There are various stop smoking services or even apps that you can check out so you can stop smoking before it’s too late.

Exercise for Healthy Lungs

Physical exercises can also help you maintain healthy lungs. Aerobic exercises are especially helpful for our lungs. These exercises include running, cycling, or swimming.  Aside from that, you can also come up with an exercise routine that involves skipping rope or aerobic circuit. If you’re into dancing, Zumba and other dance exercises may be for you.

Whether you exercise in the gym, at home, or in the park, exercise can help not only your lungs but other key organs such as your heart. Ultimately, exercising keeps you fit overall. 

Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle also plays a key role in keeping your lungs healthy. 

Make sure that your body gets the nutrients it needs to function properly by eating healthy food and keeping harmful substances at manageable levels. 

Eating fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins E and C and have anti-inflammatory properties is a good way to address respiratory issues such as asthma. 

Furthermore, stay hydrated and avoid eating food that is cholesterol-rich so that your circulatory system is healthy, including those blood vessels that pass through the lungs. 

Have a Regular Check-up

Lastly, ensure that you get checked regularly. Chest x-rays are very important to identify if you have issues with your lungs. Doctors will also check for issues with your breathing to check if you are able to do it with ease.

Should there be concerns that can be identified by the doctor, it is best to address them as early as possible. You will be recommended a treatment plan whether through medicine, medical procedures, hiring a respiratory therapist, or key lifestyle changes that can help make your lungs healthier. 


The lungs are like the trees of the body as it cleans the air we breathe. And as we do our part in taking care of trees in the forest or even plants in our garden, we should also do our part in ensuring that our lungs are well taken care of. 

The tips above are some of the best ways to keep our lungs healthy so that we may be able to benefit from a well-functioning set of lungs. Start working on promoting lung health today.